
This is Mario and Josephine Quagliata, and their children with their children's spouses.
The men are lined up behind their wives; except Mario Quagliata and Vincent Petrella are switched.
The photo was taken in 1987, in Chicago, at the wedding of Vincent Petrella Jr.  Click the photo for a full size view.
Thanks to Michael Quagliata (son of Joseph and Ann Quagliata) for this great photo.

 Top Row Left to Right:
Thomas (Tim) Quagliata (Mario's son),  Joseph Quagliata (Mario's son),  Mario Quagliata,
Vincent Petrella (wed Mario's daughter Rose), John Cicchiani (wed Mario's daughter Grace), Edward Quagliata (Mario's son).

Seated Row Left to Right:
Nancy Quagliata (wed Mario's son Thomas),  Ann Quagliata (wed Mario's son Joseph), Rose Petrella (Mario's daughter)
Josephine Quagliata (Mario's wife), Grace Cicchiani (Mario's daughter), Bernice Quagliata (wed Mario's son Edward).


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