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* 1/1/2025 - Happy New Year! It's our 24th year online. Family members are still discovering our website and making contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
* 12/22/2024 - Daniel Rega, who is a Quagliata descendant on our main lineage, emailed some updates on his lineage. Thank you Daniel.
* 12/16/2024 - Sebastian Bermudez emailed to say he is a descendant of the Quagliata family of Balvano, Italy. He was hoping for some help finding information on his lineage. Unfortunately we were unable to provide him with any useful information.
* 10/10/2024 - Anna Poppleton emailed us for some help in locating a possible family connection to the Quagliata name. We gave her some help and wished her the best of luck with her research.
* 9/25/2024 - Akram Chikhi emailed us saying he is married to Loretta Quagliata. Loretta and her brothers were interested in contributing to our page. Thank you Akram and Loretta.
* 7/18/2024 - Ramiro Quagliata, one of our contributors, emailed us some more information on our main lineage. Thank you Ramiro.
* 5/1/2024 - Natalie Quagliata Kupinski emailed some updates to her family lineage. Thank you Natalie.
* 1/1/2024 - Happy New Year! It's
our 23nd year online. Family members are still discovering our website and
making contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
9/26/2023 - Rémi Guagliata emailed to thank us for the information he
gathered on our site that helped him in his search for his ancestory, and the
history of the Guagliata variant. Rémi contributed a genealogical listing of his
family going back several generations. He has also found out when his surname
changed from Quagliata to Guagliata: it was due to a wrong civil registration.
Thank you Rémi!
* 1/1/2023 - Happy New Year! It's our 22nd year online. Family members are still discovering our website and making contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
* 6/26/2022 - Paola Quagliata emailed to say it was "nice to read your research." Thank you Paola!
* 4/11/2022 - Michael Pisa emailed us updated genealogical listings for his branch. Michael's grandmother is Jane (Giovanna?) Quagliata (b.1903), and he is the great great great grandson of Mario Quagliata (1843-19??) through Mario's first marriage and is a member of the Rochester/Lyons Quagliata family. Thank you Michael!
* 3/15/2022 - Our contributor Vincent Matulewich sent us an update to our genealogical listings - Vincent and his wife, Toniann, had another child in 2018. Vincent is part of the large New York branch that traces back to Sebastiano Quagliata (16??-1???). Belated congratulations to Vincent and Toniann!
* 1/27/2022 - Our contributor Ramiro Quagliata, sent us more genealogical listings for his branch. Thank you Ramiro!
* 1/1/2022 - Happy New Year! It's our 21st year online. Family members are still discovering our website and making contributions. Last year we had contributions from a previously unknown branch in Argentina. Many thanks to all our contributors
* 10/4/2021 - Ramiro Quagliata, a member of one of the Argentina Quagliata families, contributed a well reseached addition to Richard's Chart. An entire branch we didn't know about from Forza d'Argro, Sicily. Thank you Ramiro!
* 9/12/2021 - Nathan Steele, a member of the St. Louis Quagliata family, emailed us some much needed updates on his branch of the family. Thank you Nathan!
* 4/28/2021 - Our long time contributor,
Kyle Pagnutti is continuing his extensive research on the Castellammare branch.
He sent in some new information and has connected some of our outlying lineages.
Many thanks for all your efforts Kyle!
* 4/16/2021
- Elaine Sloane, one of our contributors form the NYC/Connecticut Quagliata
family, sent an email and we were happy to inform her that more updates had come
in for here lineage.
* 1/1/2021 - Happy New Year! It's
our 20th year online. Family members are still discovering our website and
making contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
* 12/21/2020
- Mike Pagano, our contributor form the NYC/Connecticut Quagliata family that is
originally from Forza D'Agro, Sicily, sent us some updates. Thanks Mike!
* 10/11/2020 - Colleen Wierzbicki emailed
us last February asking for help in locating her grandfather's lineage.
She emailed today to let us know she has located her family - she is the great
granddaughter of Francesco Paulo Quagliata. Great news, and thanks for the
update Colleen.
* 9/3/2020 - Tysen
Quagliata emailed us some infor on his lineage. Tysen's mother is Caprice
Quagliata who has previously contributed a listing.
* 7/28/2020 - Tayla
Quagliata sent us an update on her branch. Tayla is married to Christopher
Quagliata of the Ayr Queensland, Australia family. Christopher is the son of our
long time contributor Rita Quagliata. Tayla and Christopher welcomed their first
child this year - Hendrix Luke Quagliata. Congratulations! And thank you for
contributing Tayla!
* 6/3/2020 - Katherine Ippoliti, one of our
contributors who's grandmother was Carmela Quagliata, sent us an update on her
branch - the Pennsylvania Quagliata family. Last year about this time
Katherine and her two sons visited Forza D'Agro, Sicily - home town to many
Quagliatas. She sent us a pic (on the right, click for a
larger view). Thank you Katherine!
* 2/5/2020 - We got an
email from Colleen Wierzbicki whose father is a Quagliata from New Brunswick,
New Jersey. She's looking for help locating her grandfather. We gave here
information on three lines we know of in New Brunswick. Hoping that info helps.
* 1/1/2020 - Happy New Year! It's our 19th year
online. Family members are still discovering our website and making
contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
* 11/20/2019 - Salvatore DeRose emailed us. His
grandfather John DeRose is a nephew of my grandfather, Mario Quagliata
(1907-1995). Salvatore had been searching everywhere for information on
his extended family without success. Then he came across our website and
contacted me. I"m so glad we hooked up and I'm providing him the help
* 5/31/2019 - We got an email from our long-time
contributor, Kyle Pagnutti. He sent some updates and corrections for the
Castellammare lines. Thanks Kyle!
* 5/17/2019 - We got an email from Gino Cassaniti of the
Sydney, Australia branch. He sent an update - he has to more children:
Mila and Adriana. Congratulations Gino!
* 1/1/2019 - Happy New Year! It's our 18th year
online. Family members are still discovering our website and making
contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
11/21/2018 - Our family member and long-time contributor,
Vittorio Quagliata sent an email. He was recently in Messina, Sicily and
visited the Messina Regional Museum where he was able to see two well known
paintings by Giovan Battista Quagliata (aka Giambattista Quagliata and Giovanni Quagliata) - Immaculate Mary
and Virgin Nativity. Vittorio also sent a great picture of himself
standing between the two paintings (seen on the right, click for a
larger view). Thank you
* 7/20/2018 - Toni Vallee emailed a genealogical listing. Her great grandmother was Gertrude Quagliata from Castellammare del Golfo. From the information Toni contributed, it appears her line might be related to the large Castellammare branch beginning with Sebastiano Quagliata (16??-1???). Thank you Toni.
* 6/23/2018 -
We got an email from Doug Quay - his surname was changed from Quagliato.
His father, Pasquale Quagliato, was born in Pettorano Sul Gizio. Doug
enjoyed our website and was curious about possible family connections.
It's certainly possible given the very similar spellings - they could be
spelling variations of the same name, which, through research, is known to
* 1/1/2018 - Happy New Year! It's our 17th year
online. Family members are still discovering our website and making
contributions. Many thanks to all our contributors.
*11/28/2017 - Luigi Riggi emailed some family information
to us. Luigi's great grandmother's brother, Nicolo Dispenza, married Marta
Quagliata of the Caltanissetta branch. Thanks for the additional
information Luigi!
*9/11/2017 - Richard Quagliata, my cousin who helped start
this website, emailed with sad news - his brother Michael died
back in June. He was only 63. Prayers and condolences to Michael and
Richard's family.
*8/15/2017 - Amy Bizzarri's Melrose Pepper article was
published in the Chicago Tribune yesterday, August 14, 2017. I was happy
to see Amy included some of our interview in her article and I'm very happy to
say my grandfather Mario became part of the story. You can check it out
* 7/11/2017 - Amy Bizzarri, a freelance writer,
contacted me for an interview. She's working on an article for the Chicago
Tribune on Melrose peppers - those super sweet, delicious peppers my family has
been growing from many years. I'm hoping she might use some of her notes
from me in the article!
* 7/3/2017 - Santina Gambrill, whose mother is a Quagliata
related to the Tully, Australia family, emailed to offer an additional listing
of her branch. Thank you Santina!
* 1/1/2017 - Happy New Year! It's our 16th year
online. We've had lots of visits this year but few contributions.
Many thanks to all our visitors and contributors.
* 12/22/2016
- We got an email from Leslie Smith. She's not related but grew up in
Chicago and was looking for a concern that would sell her dried Melrose Peppers.
We gave her some suggestions. Good luck Leslie.
* 7/23/2016 - Jamie Gindhart emailed some info on her
family. Her great grandmother was Antoinette Quagliata. She married
a Pasquale Basico and became Antioinette Quagliata Basico. Thanks Jamie!
* 4/6/2016 - Vincent Matulewich sent
in some more info for the Castellammare branch, updating the listing of his
family. Thank you Vincent!
* 1/17/2016 - We got an email from Kyle Pagnutti saying he
has a genealogist in Palermo who will help him with the Castellammare branch.
Kyle is hoping to find a connection between the Castellammare branch and the
Messina/Forza/Sant'Alessio branch. Thanks Kyle!
* 1/1/2016 - Happy New Year! We are now into our
15th year online. The pace of incoming information has slowed some, but family members
are still discovering our website and making contributions. Many thanks to all our
* 12/29/2015 - Our contributor Vincent Matulewich has sent
in an update for the Castellammare branch - baby Azriella born in 2014.
Congratulations Vincent!
* 12/12/2015 - Kyle Pagnutti is continuing his research on
the Castellammare branch. The lineage connections have become clearer and
Kyle has sent in a couple of corrections. Thanks Kyle!
* 10/12/2015 - Sam Quagliata of the Sydney AUS family
emailed to say hello and that his son is studying on exchange in Indiana USA.
He's looking to connect with family possibly in the area.
* 9/3/2015 - Kyle Pagnutti and I have finally updated the
listing of his Castellammare branch with the results of his outstanding
research. We were able to bring together some branches from Castellammare
into one large lineage. Kyle has also supplied us with a nicely done
genogram of the oldest section of his branch, pushing the lineage back into the
1600s. You can check it out
here. Many thanks to
Kyle for all his work and contributions!
* 8/4/2015 - Kyle Pagnutti has been doing some new
research at his local LDS center. He has discovered the parents of his
line's patriarch possibly pushing the lineage back into the 1700s. Thanks
* 7/6/2015 - Our contributor, Kyle Pagnutti, emailed with
some corrections and additional information. He also asked for help
setting up a listing of his own family name in the style of Richard's Chart.
Of course we'll be glad to help him.
* 5/2/2015 - Ignacio Barcia, whose great grandmother was
Pascuala Quagliata (from Uruguay), emailed looking for help with his lineage.
We couldn't provide any information, but sent him some research tips.
* 5/2/2015 - Kyle Pagnutti, a member of the Castellammare
Quagliata branch, emailed us a large listing of his branch. We're also
going to check some information he has that indicates the father of his branch's
patriarch, Giuseppe Quagliata, was a brother of Mario Quagliata (1843?-19??).
Thanks Kyle!
* 3/23/2015 - We got an email from Tony Quaglietta.
He's doing some family research and wondered if we could help. I sent him
some information. Tony provided us with a listing of his family.
Thanks Tony!
* 1/1/2015 - Happy New Year! We are now into our
14th year online. We still have family members discovering our website, as
well as information coming in from contributors. Many thanks to all our
* 8/20/2014 - Russell Errigo, a member of the
Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family, emailed an update to his family listing - his
youngest daughter, Gianna Kay Errigo. Thanks for the update Russell, and
* 7/6/2014 - We got an email from Cathy Caruso Trezza.
Her grandfather, Rocco Caruso was born in Quaglietta, Italy, and she wondered if
we had any links to a Caruso. We do:
Emily Caruso married Gino Cassaniti of the Sydney, Australia Quagliata
branches, under Cirino Quagliatq (1840?-1????).
* 5/8/2014 - Today we cancelled our account with Comcast,
which has been the host of the Quagliata Genealogy Project since 2003.
We've been working on this move since November of 2013 when we registered the domain
name (quagliatagenealogy.com)
and made arrangements with a new host. The website was put in place with
the new domain and address, but we also kept the Comcast address active.
Messages were posted at the former address about the new domain and new address for six months. As
of May 8, 2014, the Comcast address is no longer active and will not bring up
the website. Hopefully, by now, everyone has saved the new address.
But if not, a simple web search of "Quagliata" will bring up the new address.
* 4/6/2014 - I got an email today from
Marotta. Her grandfather was Nicholas Quagliata from Balvano. The
family name got changed to Guagliata by US Customs in 1905. Annette was
looking for more information on her branch. Unfortunately, we don't have
any information to pass on at this time. We did add her family to
Richard's Chart in hopes someone will find it and offer more information.
* 3/14/2014 - Jeannine Scheeringa emailed me to ask for
more of
Grandpa Mario's pepper seeds. She runs Scheeringa Farms & Greenhouses
in Highland, Indiana and participates in Chicago's Farmers' Market program.
This is the second year she's growing Grandpa Mario's peppers.
* 3/1/2014 - Today I got an email from
Amelia Galier
Louis. Amelia is the great-great granddaughter of Pietro Quagliata
(1870(69?)-1946). Their family is part of the Castellammare branch.
She's happy to have found our website and has contributed a narrative of her
family and some genealogical listings. Thanks Amelia!
* 1/30/2014 - I got an email today from
Angelo Quagliata. Angelo is the great
great grandson of Angelo Quagliata (1887-19??), son of my great great
grandfather Mario Quagliata (1843?-19??). He just discovered our website
and emailed in some genealogical contributions. We're very happy that family
from this branch have discovered our website and we look forward to more
correspondence. Thanks Angelo!
* 1/1/2014 - Happy New Year! We are now into our
13th year online. We still have family members discovering our website, as
well as information coming in from contributors. Many thanks to all our
* 12/3/2013 - Jeannine Scheeringa emailed me to say they
had excellent luck growing Grandpa Mario's pepper seeds at Scheeringa Farms &
Greenhouses in Highland, Indiana. She said, "I had several standing orders from
true Melrose pepper admirers! (you could pick out the true Italians that were
recreating a grandma's recipe!!!) We also babied the plants & they
produced all summer. I'm positive that I will have return customers looking for
Grandpa Mario's Melrose peppers. Thanks again and I'll be contacting you again
after the first of the year. Happy Holidays"
* 11/10/2013 - My father, Joseph T. Quagliata passed away
today, age 83. He was in Florida enjoying his friends and family. He
dealt with cancer for many years, sometimes in remission for long periods of
time. It finally caught up with him. I flew down on the seventh of
November and put him in hospice, and he passed peacefully. He'll be missed
this holiday season and always.
* 9/14/2013 - My second cousin Richard Quagliata and his
wife Lauren came to Lansing for a visit. My wife and I had them over to
our house, and then we went out to dinner at Troppo in downtown Lansing.
It was great to meet them and we had a a lot of fun visiting. There's a
picture on the right we took on the occassion (click for a
larger view). That's me on the left, then my wife Sue, Lauren and Rick
on the right.
* 8/6/2013 - Vincent Matulewich emailed us with some
additional genealogical listing information for his family. Thanks
* 7/5/2013 - Elaine Pagano Sloan, who contributed to our
website some years ago, emailed to say: "I am enjoying reading about our family
via your webpage. Thanks for doing such an amazing job!" Thanks Elaine!
* 5/15/2013 - Valeria Quagliata of the Castellammare
branch that is now located in Buenos Aires emailed us with some additional
genealogical listing information for her family. Thanks very much Valeria!
* 4/6/2013 - I got an email from Tiffany Cooney of the
Lyons/Rochester family. They're gearing up for this years reunion in July.
* 2/23/2013 - Anthony Galier a family member from the
Castellammare branch, sent some information and a correction. Thanks
* 2/7/2013 - I've been exchanging email with Jeannine
Scheeringa. She runs Scheeringa Farms & Greenhouses in Highland, Indiana
and participates in Chicago's Farmers' Market program. We've been
discussing a deal that would allow her to grow
Grandpa Mario's Peppers commercially. We have reached an agreement and
I've sent her 1500 seeds for the upcoming growing season. We're not sure
how the peppers will do in a farming environment, since they've previously only
been grown in gardens. We'll see how they do. If you shop in Chicago
Farmers' Market spots you might see peppers labeled "Grandpa Mario's Peppers".
* 1/1/2013 - Happy New Year! 2012 saw an interesting
development mentioned below - another Quagliata coat of arms. This one
from the Padova family courtesy of Salvatore Corso. Thanks to Salvatore
and all our contributors.
* 12/11/2012 - I exchanged email with Martina Gardner in
Arizona. Her mother's name is Sandra Jean Quagliata of the Lyons/Rochester
family. Martina met Toni Quagliata (of the Cleveland family) in Arizona.
She spent some time reading our website and enjoyed it.
* 12/6/2012 - Sheila Perino is just about done with her
research on the Castellammare Quagliatas. She sent me her semi-final
birth/baptism listing. Hopefully I can get the new page up in 2013.
Many thanks to Sheila!
* 10/18/2012 - Salvatore Corso emailed in some new
research that sheds some light on the Quagliata branch Padova. It's very
interesting that this branch was living in the area of Padova since 1690 and has
a coat of arms dating from 1848, which can be seen on the right. Salvatore
also sent a nice article from “La Sicilia” (March 6, 2011) which presents Padova
Quagliata family information and photos, and mentions our website - printed in
Italian (PDF here).
* 8/9/2012 - Valachie Quagliata contacted us as a possible
relative. He's from Papua, New Guinea. Both his parents passed away
when he was a child. We don't have much information to go on.
Hopefully someone will contact us with more information.
* 7/3/2012 - Got and email from Kathy Quagliata of the
Lyons/Rochester branch. They're having their annual family reunion July
29th at Seneca Lake Shelter #1. It is $5.00 per person and children 12 and
under are free. They will have two meals 12 noon and 4 PM.
* 4/30/2012 - Valentina Quagliata sent a email to us in
Spanish. It appears to be from somewhere in South America. I'm
working on this to see if we are related.
* 2/3/2012 - Shelia Perino sent word or her continued work
on the Castellammare lineages. The progress is slow as she works around
missing films, films that are mislabeled, no indexes, and the like.
* 1/3/2012 - Grandpa Mario's Pepper's are as popular as
ever. Still getting requests for seeds this year. Leon Deprest from
Albuquerque, New Mexico asked for some. He's originally from Elmwood Park
just north of Melrose Park. Enjoy Leon.
* 1/3/2012 - Happy New Year! 2011 was another great
year and we celebrated 10 years online. We still received some good
contributions and our website continues to grow. A special thanks to
Sheila Perino Sapienza for the contributions she has made working on the
Castellammare lineages. And thanks to all our contributors.
* 12/14/2011 - Shelia sent in the final 2011
additions/corrections to the lineages she is currently working with. She's
has such a wealth of information that we've decided to create a separate page
for the Castellammare lineages. Stay tuned - that's coming in 2012.
* 11/10/2011 - Rob McKeon emailed in a correction for
Richard's Chart in the lineage of Caterina Quagliata (1894-1979). Thanks
* 10/5/2011 - Shelia's research is really bringing in some
great information for our genealogy listings, but she also emailed us this
interesting bit: "In all the name clutter I forget to mention something
interesting. There is considerable art talent in my family and in the
branches of my Ancona/DiBona cousins who are all descendants of Rosalia
Quagliata. My father was a painter and a wood carver with a BA and MA in
art. My grandfather was a painter and there are painters, woodcarvers,
designers, photographers etc. throughout our families. Much more of these
occupations than one would expect by chance alone." I agree.
* 9/5/2011 - Earlier this year I got an email Joe Zammuto
asking for
Grandpa Mario's pepper seeds. Joe's maternal grandfather was born
about 30 miles from grandpa Mario. Mario was born in Termini Imerese,
Sicily, and Joe's grandfather was born in San Guisseppe. Joe's paternal
grandfather Zammuto was born in Aragona, Sicily, maybe a hundred miles away.
I sent him some seeds and at the end of the growing season Joe emailed to say:
"Once again, thank you for the seeds.100% germination, all grew great in my
garden and my family and I love them. They are wonderful. Great raw,
grilled or with eggs. Saving seeds now. I let them dry about 2 weeks
before storing. Your Grandfather's name comes up many times as we enjoy
them." Thanks Joe, that's nice to hear.
* 8/9/2011 - Shelia and I have been exchanging emails as
she continues to research the Castellammare Quagliatas. Great news:
She has just checked some of St. Anthony di Padova's records for male Quagliata
marriages. Shelia is beginning to work out the ancestry of Castellammare
lines and may be able to tie them all together.
* 7/5/2011 - I got an email from Sheila Sapienza.
She is distantly related to Quagliattas from Castellammare del Golfo. She
was there doing family research recently and also has access to Catholic Church
records through her local LDS family history center. She generously
offered to share her research with us which goes back to the early 1700s.
You can see her contributions
five lineages are listed. Many thanks to Sheila for sharing her excellent
* 5/27/2011 - Daniel Ashkeboussi, the son of Christine (Quaglietta)
Ashkeboussi, emailed wondering if we might be related. Quaglietta is one
of the spelling variations we've come across. And curiously, there is a
town named Quaglietta very near Balvano - the hometown of a the large Quagliata
family in southern Italy. He was hoping to obtain more information about
his family name.
* 5/3/2011 - We got some emails for Trixie Rossier (a
Quagliata relative) and her friend Andrea Zamora. They contributed some
information on one of our Quagliata branches and were also looking for help
locating a family member who also contributed. Hopefully they will find
the information I provide helpful in their search.
* 4/9/2011 - We got an email from Steven Lynchard.
His great great grandfather is Antonio (Anthony) Quagliata (1882-1975), who was
born in Castellammare Del Golfo, Sicily. Steven sent in a genealogical
listing to update his branch. Thanks Steven!
* 3/15/2011 - Gino Cassaniti of the Syndey, Australia
Quagliata family, emailed us. Gino, the grandson of Concetta Qugaliata,
emailed in some updates and corrections for his branch on Richard's Chart.
Thanks Gino!
* 2/10/2011
- A note to let everyone know this is our 10th year online with the Quagliata
Genealogy Project - 2001 to 2011. We've had thousands of visitors over the
years and many contributors. I've made up a special little icon out of the
Quagliata Coat of Arms to celebrate the occasion - shown on the right and the
main page. Thanks to all !
* 2/7/2011 - Valerie Colavito Cooper emailed to say: "I
just finished reading 'The Joy of Growing Up Italian American'. Wow, I thought
I was reading about my life. I brought back a lot of memories. Great
Article. Thanks." Glad you enjoyed it!
* 1/10/2011 - We got some email from Jeff M which said in
part: "I used some information from your website for a school project. Of
course I cited everything. I thought your site was great. Your Italian
American History page was great. There was a lot of information on there
that I didn't know. My family came here from Sicily (I'm not sure what
part) and bought a farm in Pennsylvania. The other side of the family worked on
the railroad."
* 1/1/2011 - Happy New Year! 2010 was a bit slow,
but we still received some good contributions and our website continues to grow.
Thanks to all our contributors.
* 12/18/2010 - Francesca (Quagliata) Panuccio emailed to
say her aunty Santa (Quagliata) Currenti, went to Sicily a few months back.
Francesca asked her to check on births, marriages and deaths records while she
was there. Santa found some information that included the names of Giuseppe
Quagliata's (1858-1939) parents - Cirino Quiagliata and Concetta Cassiniti.
There's a slight discrepancy in the dates, so we're waiting for everyone to have
a chance to put their thoughts in on this discovery.
* 10/13/2010 - We got an email from Paul Russo. He's
not related to the Quagliata family, but came across our website and very much
enjoyed it. He emailed to say he found the article on the origin of the
Quagliata surname very interesting, and commented: "I was particularly
interested on the paragraph discussing the making of the semi-soft "Quagliata"
cheese, and the association of this word to your surname. I was born in
Francofonte, Sicily, a very small hill-top town in the province of Siracusa, but
geographically much closer to Catania (Francofonte is mentioned two times in the
opera "Cavalleria Rusticana"). I can confirm to you that as a young boy in the
early 1950's, 'quagghiata' was a very common food item in Francofonte,
especially in the winter, and was always made from goat milk. Cows' milk did not
exist in those parts of Sicily." Thanks Paul!
* 5/13/2010 - Francesca (Quagliata) Panuccio, one of our
long time contributors, emailed additional genealogy listings and a very nice
photo of Giuseppe Quagliata and his wife, Santa Cardillo. Thanks
again Francesca!
* 3/16/2010 - Vera Guagliata Fariello emailed some
information for her branch of the family. Vera is the second Guagliata
we've heard from in the last several months.
* 3/5/2010 - Long time contributor Joanne Curro emailed in
a updated. Joanne mention she hasn't been well. We hope she recovers
* 3/3/2010 - Terry Schiazza emailed some updates.
Terry's great grandmother is Anna Quagliata born in Pettorano Sul Gizio, Italy.
* 1/4/2010 - Our contributor Stéphane Quagliata, from
Lyon, France, sent in some great photos and letters for his family narrative.
It will take me a while to work some of the photos into the website.
Thanks Stéphane!
* 1/2/2010 - Happy New Year! 2009 was an exciting year for our website.
Once again, our long time contributor, Vittorio Quagliata came up with some
great discoveries. My favorite was the old woodcut engraving
of Giovan Battista Quagliata (1603-1673).
* 12/18/2009 - Anthony Palmisano emailed in some
information. His great grandmother was Frances Cecela Guagliata and was
from Termini Imerese, Sicily. She came to America in 1903 with her husband
Giuseppe Palmisano.
* 10/15/2009 - Stuart Pollack emailed to comment on our
website's article on Melrose peppers. His email is typical of the several
emails I get every year about Melrose peppers and the variety Grandpa Mario's
created. Stuart wrote, in part: "You've collected by far the best
information on its history that I've been able to find, and I am greatly
appreciative that you shared it on your website. Your Grandpa Mario's
pepper also sounds wonderful. Do you have seeds available for others, or plants
in the spring?"
* 9/16/2009 - Francesca (Quagliata) Panuccio continues to
work on her branch. She's contributed many updates and some great photos.
Thanks Francesca!
* 8/16/2009 - Elaine Pagano Sloan emailed some updates.
Her father was Joseph Frank Pagano, son of Concetta Quagliata Pagano.
Turns out she's related to Mike Pagano.
* 7/10/2009 - Frank Quagliata and Alexandra Quagliata
visited Italy. When in Sicily, they visited Piedmonte Etno and tried to look for
the death certificate of Salvatore Quagliata. Three Salvatore listings,
all died before 5 years. They now think he died in Rendazzo. Every
little bit helps.
* 7/9/2009 - Another of our contributors, Leonardo
Quagliata, emailed in some updates for his branch of the family tree.
Thanks Leonardo!
* 7/6/2009 - Susan Brunasso emailed a wedding photo for
Vincenzo Quagliata Galier and Giuseppa Ferlito taken in Sicily in April 1920.
Also the life story of Vincenzo in his own words. I'm going to try to get
this up on the website. Thanks Susan!
* 6/6/2009 - Our long time contributor, Vittorio Quagliata
emailed some exciting news. In his research, he came across an engraving
of Giovan Battista Quagliata (1603-1673) - a small version can be seen on the
right. Vittorio also sent in some other interesting information, all of
which I will be working into the website. Thanks Vittorio!
* 5/19/2009 - Francesca Panuccio emailed
in a nice narrative of her branch's history, as well as a fantastic photo of
Carmelo Quagliata (1884-1956) and Camela (Rinaudo) Quagliata (1886-1955).
I'll be working on integrating the contributions into the website soon. Thanks Francesca!
* 5/14/2009 - Susan Brunasso emailed us to contribute some
research she did on the Quagliata family. She's related in a round-about
way: her brother-in-law, Vincent Cesare is the great grandson of Pietro
Quagliata (1870-19??). This line changed their last name to Galier.
Vincent also contributed a genealogical listing and some family history.
Many thanks.
* 4/16/2009 - Long time contributor Rita Quagliata emailed
in updates for the Ayr Queensland, Australia family. Thanks Rita!
* 3/31/2009 - Our contributor Francesca Panuccio emailed
in updates for the Sydney, Australia Quagliata family. Thanks Francesca!
* 3/3/2009 - Martin Fernandez Quagliata of Montevideo,
Uruguay, discovered our website and emailed in his complements. Martin also
provided us with a nice genealogical listing of his branch of the family. Thanks
* 2/26/2009 - We got an email from David Ross, writing
into to compliment our website. He found the story on
Grandpa Mario's Peppers very interesting. He wondered where he could
buy seeds or plants. Since my harvest from last year provided a lot of
seeds, I sent him a few. Needless to say, David was very happy.
* 1/18/2009 - One of our contributors from the Sydney,
AUS, Quagliata family - Francesca [Quaglaita] Panuccio emailed a nice update to
her branch
of the family as well as a photo we're planning to work in to the narrative on
the main page. Thanks Francesca!
* 1/1/2009 - Happy New Year! 2008 saw another year
of growth for our website as contributions continued to come in and our Contributors
list grew even larger. We updated the sub page:
The Coat of Arms of Giovan Battista Quagliata, as well as our
Quagliata Lineage chart and the
Origins chart. Thanks to all who have emailed and a special thanks to
our contributors.
* 12/28/2008 - Alfio Quagliata of Terme Vigliatore,
Sicily, emailed to say how much he enjoyed our website and how much he learned
from it. He also contributed some family history and a genealogical
listing. This is also a first for our website: Our website has been up
since 2001 and Alfio is the first person from Sicily who contacted us over the
internet. Many thanks to Alfio for taking the time to email us!
* 11/30/2008 - We got an email from Francesca [Quagliata]
Panuccio of the Sydney, Australia Quagliata family. Francesca sent a large
update with much new information on the Sydney branch. Thanks Francesca!
* 11/16/2008 - Today I posted a lengthy update to the sub
The Coat of Arms of Giovan Battista Quagliata. The page now covers
four related topics: the Quagliata Coat of Arms, the history and facts
surrounding the origin of the Quagliata Coat of Arms, our hypothesis concerning
the origin of the Quagliata Coat of Arms (probably in the 13th or 14th
centuries) and a section on the heraldry, symbols and rank displayed in the
Quagliata Coat of Arms. The newly updated page contains a wealth of
information and provides interesting reading.
* 11/10/2008 - We received a very nice email from Domenic
Petti. He visited our website and really enjoyed it. Here's what he
had to say, "I stumbled across your website. I started reading and could
not stop till I read every word. What an enormous amount of work went into
this, well done! Thank you for sharing and God bless!" It's very
satisfying to know that those outside the family can also enjoy our web site.
It's praise and appreciation to all those who have contributed over the years.
Thank you Domenic!
* 10/26/2008 - There's been quite a bit of activity and
work on the Caltanissetta family branch of the Quagliata tree. We have
been exchanging email and information with Vittorio Quagliata and Salvatore
Corso. We also informed Stéphane Quagliata of our conclusions that his
family is part of the Caltanissetta Quagliata branch. Stéphane has emailed
back to say, "I'm waiting for more information, photographs and documents about
the family from my aunt, who 's researching our genealogy. I hope to have
the resulting information soon." Thanks to our contributors: Vittorio,
Salvatore and Stéphane for their efforts in gathering information on the Caltanissetta
Quagliata branch.
* 10/15/2008 - Vittorio Quagliata of Rome emailed his
thanks for putting him in contact with his second cousin Salvatore Corso.
He also said he might be related to Stéphane Quagliata of Lyon, France. Stéphane's
grandfather was named Agostino Quagliata. Vittorio's grandfather had an
older brother named Agostino Quagliata (born about 1878?) who went to Morocco at
the end of the 1800s. The family lost track of him. Now, it appears
to Vittorio that Stéphane's grandfather might be from the Caltanissetta family.
After years of research, I can say the name "Agostino Quagliata" is very
unusual, so this is very possible.
* 10/14/2008 - Salvatore Corso of Rome emailed. His
grandmother is Laura Quagliata, daughter of Giuseppe Quagliata
(1840?-1920?) fram Caltanissetta, Sicily.
This makes Salvatore a second cousin of our long-time contributor Vittorio
Quagliata of Milan. Of course, we put them in touch with each other.
Salvatore contributed updates to Richard's Chart and some interesting family
history: Salvatore's grandmother, Laura Quagliata married Salvatore Corso
and they had 21 children - quite a number, even in those days. Salvatore's
father was the 20th child born. Salvatore also said he discovered
information that indicates Giuseppe Quagliata's
(1840?-1920?) family my have originated in Venice. This is very
interesting as we have suspected that the Quagliata coat of arms my have been
originally given to a Quagliata from central or northern Italy (based on the
Ghibellini's castles displayed on the coat of arms). Many thanks to
* 9/8/2008 - I had a lot of stuff going on in the spring,
followed by more projects and vacation time in the summer. The upshot is I
had several emails that got backlogged. Over the last couple of days I've
managed to get all the website's backlogged email answered. Hopefully
we're back to staying on top of things.
* 9/1/2008 - Andrew Hoover emailed a request for help with
his family's connections to our tree - his wife's great grandfather was
Pasquale Quagliata. We hooked him up with our contributor, Donna
Schiazza, who has good knowledge of Pasquale Quagliata's descendants. It
turned out that Donna and Andrew's wife are related.
* 7/28/2008 - We got an email from Agustina Quagliata or
Argentina. Her grandfather, Pascual Quagliata was born in Balvano and moved to
Argentina in 1906 and we already have a listing for her family. Agustina
contributed more genealogical listings. Thanks Agustina.
* 7/27/2008 - Stéphane Quagliata of Lyon, France emailed a
contribution that included a genealogical listing, family history information
and a photo. Stéphane is the only son of Agostino Quagliata born in
Casablanca, Morocco in 1944. Stéphane's grandfather, Gaspard Gabriel
Quagliata, was born in September 1909 in Tunis, Tunisia. He died in 1966
in Agadir, Marocco. Stéphane included a photo of the Agadir harbor in
which you can see a sign for Gaspard Quagliata's wrought iron enterprise which
ran from 1950-1960. The information has been added to
Richard's Chart, and the photo will be added to the narrative section soon.
* 7/11/2008 - Angie Atkin from Australia emailed us for
some help deciphering her family crest. Her family name is Cuccomarino and
they're from Serrata (Reggio Calabria), Italy. Their family crest if very
similar to ours. Through a series of emails and information, we were able
to glean some information from the crests. I will be updating the website
with the information in the near future.
6/15/2008 - We got an email from Valeria Quagliata, a member of the
Naples Quagliata family. She sent in some more genealogical listings for
her branch. Thanks Valeria.
5/12/2008 - Tony Spera emailed to say: "I came across your webpage about
your grandfather in my search for information on
Melrose peppers. A really fascinating story, especially the fig tree."
He was having trouble germinating his homemade pepper seeds. We sent him
instructions on how to do it properly as wells as some seeds for Grandpa Mario's
4/3/2008 - Karen Busca, mother of Mike Pagano (one of our contributors)
emailed a request for some help researching the pedigree of Stellario 'Frank'
Quagliata 1885-1959. We provided some information and sources that helped
solve her problem. She also promised some additional info concerning
Concetta Quagliata Pagano (b.1891).
3/8/2008 - My brother's wife asked me for help: she was having a
jeweler make a signet ring with the Quagliata coat of arms on it for my
brother's Christmas gift. I helped out with a good image and description,
and then ordered one for myself. The finished ring turned out well.
Click here for a couple of pictures so you can have a look.
* 1/10/2008 - We got an email from Zina Cavallo of
Brisbane, Australia. Her maiden name was Quagliata and her father
immigrated from Calatabliano, Sicily about 40 years ago. She is interested
in contributing to our project and is working on gathering information.
We're looking forward to hearing back from her.
* 1/5/2008 - Happy New Year! 2007 was yet another big year
for our website. Once again many visitors emailed us information causing
our Contributors list to grow.
Richard's Chart is now over 50 pages long.
Our most important discovery since we've been working on the project occurred in 2007 - Vittorio Quagliata, of the
Caltanissetta (Sicily) family, came across Iana Quagliata's booklet on the life
of Giovan Battista Quagliata (1603-1673). The information contributed by
Iana on the famous artist helped link up the Sicilian and mainland Quagliata
lineages, as well as providing us with an illustration of the Quagliata family
coat of arms. Thanks to all who have emailed and a special thanks to our contributors.
* 12/25/2007 - Merry Christmas to all.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!
* 11/25/2007 - The last couple of months have been pretty
slow. Just a few emails - family members keeping in touch, but no new
* 9/27/2007 - Chris LaVilla of the
Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family come across the passport of Angelo Quagliata
(1886-1932) and sent us a scan of it. Thanks to Chris and we hope to see her at
the reunion next year.
* 8/13/2007 - We heard from Gilles Guagliata over the weekend. He emailed to share some discoveries he's made in
his family research. He found a Francesco Guagliata (G on Civil registration,
Quagliata on baptism registration) born 1832 in Palermo, and married to Maria
Casimo. Francesco's father, Vincenzo was born 1792 or 1793 and married to
Giuseppa Lo Monaco. Then he found five other children of Vincenzo: Gaspare 1826,
Fernandino 1836, Carmela 1838, Rosalia 1841 and another Fernandino 1844. He's
trying to find more about Vincenzo. Gilles says Vincenzo lived in Palermo and
was tailor. He's going to continue his research on some church registrations he
found between 1491 and 1825 in Palermo. Good luck to you Gilles.
* 7/27/2007 - My wife and I (Mike and Sue
Quagliata) attended the Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family's annual family
reunion. It was held on Sunday July 15, 2007; at Fair Haven Beach State
Park in New York. My father (Joseph Quagliata b. 1930) also attended with
his friend Joan Gooley. The weather was perfect, the food was great and it
was a lot of fun to visit with everyone. On the way back home to Michigan,
we stopped in Cleveland to visit with John and Carl Quagliata. They
treated us to dinner and we had a great time talking about family, Sant'Alessio,
Forza D'Agro and telling stories. We also stopped in to visit John and
Carl's brother Alfred and met his wife Kathy and two children Natalie and
Anthony. We were very happy to be able to see everyone.
* 6/17/2007 - I finally have the new
information integrated into the website - for the most part. I'm still
trying to figure out how I want to integrate the information into Richard's
Chart. The Home page has a bunch of new material on it and there are a
couple of new pages. One has some of
Giovan Battista Quagliata's paintings displayed, and the other is an
information page on
Giovan Battista Quagliata's Coat of Arms. I'm still tweaking things
out and working on a solution for Richard's Chart, but for now, there's plenty
of new information to enjoy.
* 5/10/2007 - MAJOR
ANNOUCEMENT: Vittorio Quagliata, of the
Caltanissetta (Sicily) family, and one of our biggest contributors, has sent some
fantastic news. While researching the family, Vittorio came across a
booklet on the life of Giovan Battista Quagliata (1603-1673). The booklet
reported that Giovan Battista's father Giovan Domenico Quagliata was from Rome.
Giovan Battista eventually became a famous artist, working in Messina. The
viceroy of Sicily, Don Juan José of Austria, granted Giovan Battista a noble
a coat of arms, and lands in the countryside area of Forza d’Agrò,
between the city and the sea, where later developed the new city of Sant’Alessio
Siculo, from where most of Giovan Battista Quagliata's descendants come. The booklet was written
by Professor Iana Quagliata for her degree essay. She lives in Monza, in
the Milan area, and generously sent Vittorio three copies of her book. So,
it now appears certain all the Quagliatas from Sant'Alessio and Forza are
related back through Giovan Battista. It is also is very certain that the
Quagliatas from the north side of Mt. Etna (Piedimonte Etneo and Fiumefreddo) are
also related in this way. It's possible the rest of the Quagliata families
in Sicily are related back to Sant'Alessio and Giovan Battista, just as the old
stories about 'the little town south of Messina' have always said.
Furthermore, since Giovan Battista Quagliata's father was from Rome, it is
highly likely he was a member of the Balvano family group, which would tie the
two Quagliata lineages - one from the mainland (Balvano) and one from Sicily (Sant'Alessio)
- together. You can see why this is such an important find. I'm
currently working on integrating this information into the website. Once
again, many thanks go to Iana Quagliata for her research and contributions, and
to Vittorio Quagliata for his continued research and
contributions to our project.
* 4/14/2007 - We got email from another Guagliata. This time, Jennifer Guagliata. We've previously had email
from Gilles Guagliata, Henry [Guagliata] Sprance, and Justin Guagliata.
Jennifer wondered about whether we might be related. We are fairly sure
that Guagliata and Quagliata are variants of the same surname. We recently did
some research on
the origin of the
Quagliata surname and its variations. We came to the
conclusion that it originated as a occupational name, like Baker or Cook, and is
related to the production of a traditional cheese called 'Quagliata'. The
Sicilian version of the word is 'Guagghiata'. The surname most likely was
originally used for people who made the cheese - like people who made bread
where surnamed Baker. Early on, changes in spelling frequently occurred between
father and son. Also, surnames often underwent
changes over the course of time and different dialects could produce a variety
of different spellings and pronunciations.
* 3/26/2007 - Filomena Di Stasio emailed
in a contribution for her family. Her great grandfather was
Gerardo Quagliata, born in Balvano, Italy.
Balvano is home to a large Quagliata family. It turns out that Filomena's
branch is connected to Antonio Quagliata's, another contributor to our project.
They are second cousins. Currently we have four lines
that trace back to Balvano. We fairly sure they are all related, but we
haven't made any direct ties yet. Thanks to Filomena for her contribution.
* 3/18/2007 - Carlo Ippoliti emailed in a
genealogical listing of his family. Carlo's paternal grandmother was
Carmela Quagliata, making him a relative of the Sant'Alessio Quagliatas.
Also, Carmela's father, Francesco Quagliata, was probably from Forza D'Agro,
Sicily. Since our main tree is from Forza, Francesco was most likely related to
Mario Quagliata (1840?-19??), but at this time, we don't know the nature of the
relationship. Thanks to Carlo for his contribution.
* 2/24/2007 - We'd like everyone to
know that the Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family is having their "32nd Annual
Quagliata Family Reunion" on Sunday July 15, 2007; at
Haven Beach State Park of New York. The park is located on Lake Ontario,
southwest of Oswego, New York, on Rte 104A, 2 miles north of Fair Haven (map
here). There are some
accommodations close by Fair Haven.
Rochester International Airport
is located in nearby Rochester, NY (driving
directions from Rochester to Fair Haven),
accommodations in Rochester. Syracuse
Hancock International Airport is located in nearby Syracuse, NY (driving
directions from Syracuse to Fair Haven),
accommodations in Syracuse.
We're looking forward to seeing everyone there.
* 2/3/2007 - January was pretty slow.
Just a few emails - family members keeping in touch, but no new information.
Sue and I are getting ready to visit my father in Florida. We leave on the
10th and can't wait as the winter here in Michigan has been brutally cold for
the last three weeks.
* 1/4/2007 - Happy New Year! 2006 was another big year for
our website. Once again many visitors emailed us information causing our Contributors list to grow.
Richard's Chart is now 49 pages long. We
also added a new page on the
origin of the
Quagliata name, as well as a Site Map.
Thanks to all who have emailed and a special thanks to our contributors.
* 12/30/2006 - We've got the new website
map up and running. It will make navigating the website much easier.
We'd also like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
* 12/9/2006 - Our best wishes to everyone
for a joyous holiday season. We're working on a new feature for the
website - a site map. We might have a working version up before the end of
the year. Happy Holidays and Buon Natale!
* 11/20/2006 - Katherine Ippoliti emailed
to say her paternal grandmother's maiden name was Carmela Quagliata.
Katherine was looking for help in tracing her genealogy. Carmela's father
was named Francesco Quagliata. Checking the Ellis Island site we found out
Francesco was from Forza D'Agro, Sicily. Hey, that's our home town!
Sure enough we had a marriage record with Francesco's parents on it to get
Katherine off to a good start. We now have that line listed on
Richards' Chart.
* 11/18/2006 - I've added another section
to the page about the origin of the Quagliata name. The new section covers
the history of the Quagliata surname. Check it out
I've also added a small page on Mario Quagliata's (1907-1995) pigeons.
It's an interesting article about his championship pigeon racing. Check it
out here.
* 11/7/2006 - We've added another page to
The Quagliata Family Genealogy Project website. The new page is about the
origin of the Quagliata name. We polled a number of family members from
around the world to confirm our findings and there are a number of links to
Italian websites. Check it out
* 10/20/2006 - Nina (Quagliata) Puccio
emailed some family information and photos. She is a member of the
NYC/Castellammare Quagliata family. Nina has been working with us to
expand her family listing with a large update of her branch. She has also
contributed some fantastic photos which we have used in her
family narrative. Many thanks to Nina for her help and contributions
to the project.
* 10/9/2006 - We've added another page to
The Quagliata Family Genealogy Project website. The new page is about my
grandfather Mario Quagliata's (1907-1995) peppers. He was avid vegetable
gardener and developed his own strain of sweet green frying peppers. You
check out the new page here.
* 10/6/2006 - Christine LaVilla emailed a
large update to Richard's Chart. Chris is the great great great
granddaughter of Mario Quagliata 1840?-19??) through Mario's first marriage.
She is part of the large Rochester/Lyons Quagliata family. Her grandmother is
Jane [Quagliata] Cacciola. Thanks to Chris for all her help.
* 9/22/2006 - An email came in from Uruguay sent by
Mariana - no last name given. She said her great-grandmother was Maria
Carmela Quagliata - she was the daughter of Antonio and Lucia Quagliata. Maria
was born in Balvano in 1873. She and a brother named Giuseppe Quagliata
emigrated to Uruguay from Balvano, Italy. The names here look like the
might belong to Luciano Quagliata's branch (he's in Argentina), also from
Balvano. So I've sent Luciano the information and he is checking to see if
there is a relation.
* 9/10/2006 - We got an email from
Natalie Quagliata of Cologne, Germany. She sent in an update that joined
two separate listings on Richard's Chart. Originally, Umberto Quagliata of
Piacenza, Italy contributed a listing, and then sometime later Natalie
contributed a listing. Both listed Napoli, Italy as the origin of their
lineages, but until now, we hadn't confirmed they were related. Turns out
that Umberto is Natalie's uncle. Thanks to Natalie and Umberto for their
* 8/19/2006 - An email came in from Don
Smedley. His wife, Connie Pagano Smedley, is the daughter of Joseph Frank
Pagano who is listed on Richard's Chart in the listing contributed by Mike
Pagano. Joseph was the brother of Mike's grandfather, Dominic Pagano. So
Mike's father, Gerald, and Connie are first cousins. Don and Connie wanted
to get in touch with Mike and share family genealogy information. We
hooked them up.
* 7/24/2006 - My father, Joseph Quagliata
and his brother, Edward Quagliata attended the Lyons/Rochester family's "31st
Annual Quagliata Family Reunion" on Sunday July 23. They had gorgeous
weather and a great time. On Saturday, David Quagliata, of the
Lyons/Rochester family, took them out to visit the old family farm in Zurich,
New York. My dad's group really enjoyed the visit.
* 7/23/2006 - We got an email from Justin Guagliata. He is
researching his family genealogy and noticed "The Quagliata Family Genealogy
Project" had been contacted by Henry [Guagliata] Sprance and Giles Guagliata and
asked for help getting in touch with them. We've provided Justin with
contact information. Justin said Henry Sprance is a descendant of Ernesto
Guagliata, Justin's great grandfather.
* 7/22/2006 - We'd like everyone to know that the
Quagliata family in Ayr, Queensland, Australia is having their "1st Quagliata
Family Reunion" on Saturday May 5, 2007. Further information such as
accommodation, venue, directions etc will be made available at a later date.
However for anyone who is interested in attending, we currently require an
estimate of numbers for venue and carting arrangements. We will require
names, how many attending from their family and where they're from.
Overseas families can arrange fights to Sydney International Airport and then to
Townsville Airport. We're looking forward to seeing everyone here for our
1st Reunion and hopefully one of many.
* 7/10/2006 - Italy wins the World Cup
scoring a 5-3 win on penalties over France.
* 6/28/2006 - We'd like everyone to know
that the Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family is having their "31st Annual Quagliata
Family Reunion" on Sunday July 23, 2006; at
Haven Beach State Park of New York. The park is located on Lake Ontario,
southwest of Oswego, New York, on Rte 104A, 2 miles north of Fair Haven (map
here). There are some
accommodations close by Fair Haven.
Rochester International Airport
is located in nearby Rochester, NY (driving
directions from Rochester to Fair Haven),
accommodations in Rochester. Syracuse
Hancock International Airport is located in nearby Syracuse, NY (driving
directions from Syracuse to Fair Haven),
accommodations in Syracuse.
We're looking forward to seeing everyone there.
* 5/24/2006 - Thanks to the research of
John Quagliata of the Cleveland family, we got a major break through on Mario
Quagliata's (1843-19??) lineage. John
has found Mario's parents - Carmelo Quagliata and Rosa Pagano. Mario was
born May, 20, 1843 in Forza D'Argo, Sicily (we had long suspected that Mario was
from the north side of Mt Etna). We have no additional information on
Mario's first marriage, but John found Mario's second marriage and birth
documentation of more children. Mario married Maria Cristina Barcellona
July 5, 1875 in Catenanuova, Sicily, on the southwest side of Mt Etna. The
marriage document says Mario was a stonecutter. This is probably the
reason for his wide ranging travels in Sicily - he had to keep moving to the
site of new work on large churches or public buildings. We now have
documentation for eight children: Rosa (1872-1874), Carmelo (1874-1881), Pietro
(1876-19??), Giovanni (1878-1945), Rosa (1881-19??), Carmelo (1883-19??),
Giuseppe (1885-1971) and Angelo (1887-19??). Thank you John Q!
* 5/17/2006 - We got an email from
Antonio Quagliata of Rome
which is posted in the 'Recent Emails' below. His
family is from Balvano, Italy. That's the fourth family we have from
Balvano. In three of the families, the name of the family patriarch is
Antonio, strongly suggesting they are related. If anyone has more
information on the Balvano families, please
send it in.
* 4/22/2006 - We've had some interesting
developments regarding the birth places of the children Mario Quagliata's (1843-19??)
second marriage - to Maria Barcellona (Pietro, Giovanni, Angelo, Giuseppe and
possibly eight others). We now know at least some of the children were
born in Catenanuova, Sicily. Catenanuova is on the southwest side of Mt
Etna about 20 miles west of Catania. It's also on a rail line that can be
taken to Termini through central Sicily. We now have documentation that
shows both Pietro (1876-19??) and Giovanni
(1878-1945) were born in Catenanuova.
Angelo's (18??-19??) marriage certificate
gives his place of birth as Catania. After confirming where Pietro and
Giovanni were born, it seems possible that the information on Angelo's marriage
certificate is slightly mistaken and that he might also have been born in the
town Catenanuova, in the Province of Catania. We're now trying to
determine where Giuseppe (1885-1971) was
born. If it turns out Giuseppe was born in Catenanuova, that means the
children were most likely all born there and the family was living there from
roughly 1875 to 1885. It follows that possibly Mario (1843-19??)
might have been born in or around Catenanuova. Thanks go to Richard
Quagliata (St. Louis family), Michael Quagliata (Chicago family) and John
Quagliata (Cleveland family) for their work on this lineage.
* 4/4/2006 - After seeing reports in the
United States about Cyclone Larry, the terrible storm that hit Australia March
22, I emailed a few of the Quagliata family members there in hope of finding
everyone was okay. Thankfully, after hearing back from everyone I email,
I'm happy to report, as far as we know, no family members were injured.
However, there was plenty of damage. Here's a snip from Sara [Quagliata]
Hughes' reply: "Cyclone Larry was 290 km in wind speed and 150 km across.
It has shredded the town of Innisfail in the centre of the eye of the cyclone.
This is the town where the Paolo Quagliata (1898-1975, gen 3) lineage live.
We are some 65km away and we have suffered no structural house damage but
environmental and crop damage etc. We had no electrical power for a week and out
on our property we ran things like water and fridges on generator power.
Our town has suffered severe economic damage in its crops like tropical fruit,
bananas, sugar cane and nuts. There is already over 4,000 unemployed as a
direct result of the crops being flattened. There will be many more people
unemployed because of course services spin off from the population. The
government has been good army, state emergency services, etc brought in from all
over Australia. The community mateship is unbelievably wonderful.
People have given of their time, skills and where it is possible money.
Australian company's have been generous. It has been estimated by our Premier of
State that the effected area has sustained 1.5 billion dollars of loss
(immediate). Really glad to hear from you. Sara"
* 3/15/2006 - Congratulations to John
Quagliata of the Cleveland family. After many hours of work/research, John has
managed to tie together the three families from Sant'Alessio. You can check out
the listing
* 3/4/2006 - A lot of information came
into the website in February, much of it due to the dedicated work of
John Quagliata of the Cleveland Quagliata
family. John has been visiting the Mormon Church in Cleveland to get access to
the birth, death and marriage records of Sant'Alessio Siculo. He's been using
the records to help connect the three family lines we have coming out of
Sant'Alessio - the Cleveland family,
Louis/Narcissus Quagliata's family, and
Roberto Quagliata's family. John has
worked out Roberto's connection and is now working on the Louis/Narcissus
family. It's hard work as John is going through old Sicilian records in Italian
on a microfiche system. John is also working on Mike Pagano's Quagliata
connection. It's interesting to check the last few recent emails
to see how lineages can connect, sometimes through a seemingly unimportant bit
of information. And our sincere thanks go to John Quagliata for his hard work
and many contributions to our project.
* 2/4/2006 - Donna Schiazza emailed us
another Quagliata lineage. Donna's great grandmother's name was Anna
Quagliata. Her parents were Pasquale and Roselia Quagliata. All
three were born in Italy. Anna married Vencenzo DiCocco and they
immigrated to Stubenville, Ohio. Donna is interested in acquiring more
information on this Quagliata lineage.
* 1/28/2006 - I got an email from Mike
Pagano a couple days ago. Mike's great grandmother's name was Concetta
Quagliata and Mike sent in a genealogical listing of his Quagliata branch.
The family settled in Connecticut and NYC, but were originally from Forza,
D'Agro, Sicily, which is on the east coast just south of Sant'Alessio Siculo.
That's in the area north of Mt. Etna where quite a number of our relatives are
from, so we're excited to have the new information Mike sent. Family
members are now spread out in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. We've
decided to dub this large family the NYC/Connecticut Quagliata family. You
can take a look at the listing here, on
Richard's Chart, and read the narrative here.
* 1/28/2006 - Jeff Quagliata of the
Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family emailed to say he was heading to Italy on
Monday (January 30) to work the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin for NBC. He
wondered if I could provide him with some Quagliata contacts in that area of
Italy. So I sent him information on Vittorio Quagliata, Louis Quagliata
and Umberto Quagliata. We're hoping to hear back from Jeff on his exciting
* 1/23/2006 - Sarah Davies sent us some terrific news from
Florida. Her daughter, Elise Quagliata, got great reviews for her
performance of the lead role of Carmen in the Pensacola Opera's presentation of
"Carmen" (reviews can be found
here). Congratulations to Elise!
* 1/4/2006 - Happy New Year! 2005 was quite a year, our
biggest one yet. Many relatives and friends emailed in comments and
information causing our Contributors list to grow.
Richard's Chart almost doubled in length and we
finally added a page for family narratives from branches not directly related to
Mario Quagliata (1843-19??) - More Quagliata
Narratives. Thanks to all who have emailed and a special thanks to our
* 12/24/2005 - We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday
Season. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!
* 12/23/2005 - Angelo Quagliata of the
Cleveland, OH family emailed us link to his website,
AngeloQ. His website
contains some
family information and scans. Check him out.
* 12/22/2005 - Antony Quagliata (see below) got back to us
with some
historical information and a
genealogical listing. Thanks Antony!
12/2/2005 - We got an email from Antony Quagliata who lives in Belgium.
Antony's father, Domenico Quagliata, was born in Balvano (Potenza in Italy) and
for love immigrated to Belgium. Antony has two sisters: Romina and Mélina
Quagliata. We hoping to get more details on Antony's family tree.
11/8/2005 - Our main man, Richard Quagliata, has been busy researching
again. Richard is in touch with a historian in Termini Imerese, Sicily who
is currently doing some research on Richard's grandmother Agostina Restivo - she
married Giovanni Quagliata, a son of Mario Quagliata's (1843-19??) second
marriage. While doing that job, the historian came across marriage
certificates for two of Giovanni's brothers - Pietro and Angelo. Pietro
Quagliata married Michela Pusateri on August 25, 1902. The document shows his
parents as Mario Quagliata and Maria Barcellona. The bride's parents were
Antonino Pusateri and Francesca Schiavo. There was a note saying Pietro was not
born in Termini Imerese. Angelo's marriage document shows the bride as
Enrichetta Iacono. They married on April 15, 1910 in Palermo. It shows
Angelo's parents as Mario Quagliata and Maria Barcellona. The bride's parents
were not listed. It also said Angelo was born in Catania, Sicily. Catania
is on the east coast of Sicily southeast of Mt Etna. That fits in with Mario's
(1843-19??) first marriage being in the Mt Etna area. This is a great
addition to our knowledge - now we know that after Mario remarried, he stayed in
the Mt. Etna area for awhile. Ever so slowly the picture becomes clearer.
Congrats to Richard and many thanks for his continued efforts.
11/7/2005 - John Quagliata of the Cleveland, OH family emailed.
John has been working on a detailed listing of his family members and has
contributed it to the website. John's work helped us to untangle some
wrong conclusions and also helped to join up together three branches of the
Quagliata family from Sant'Alessio. A big thank you to John!
11/6/2005 - Henry Sprance, descendant of Ernest Guagliata, emailed.
He is the second Guagliata to contact us. There's a news item posted 8/19 from
Gilles Guagliata. Both Henry and Gilles point to Palermo, Sicily as the
home town of their respective families. So, it looks like they might be
related. Also, as we outlined in the 8/19 item, the original spelling of Guagliata might have well been Quagliata. Henry said,
Ernest Guagliata emigrated to the US from Palermo, Sicily about 1915. He had a
brother living in Chicago named Vincent, a physician and another brother in
Rockford, Ill. who was a pharmacist, Edward. Henry's branch of the family
settled in New York (Brooklyn) and Henry's grandfather entered the US through
Ellis Island, and his name is on the wall of immigrants. We've decided to
add the Guagliata information to the website. Hopefully, Henry can supply
more information. The update should be completed next week. Thanks
to Henry.
11/4/2005 - Rita Quagliata of the of the Ayr Australia family sent in
news about the band her two sons are in. The 4T0 news
announced North Queensland talented band "A 14" are finalists in the Australia
Wide Music Oz Awards. The band will be featured at the Sydney event on
December 1st. Congrats to Christopher and Carmelo Quagliata, and the rest of
the "A 14". For more info on the band, click
11/3/2005 - Tuesday Adam Quagliata sent us an email.
He's from Phoenix, Arizona, but originally from Long Island, New York. He
was looking for some help in getting started on tracing his family tree.
His grandparents were from northern Italy, but have passed away. I sent
him some advice. The best source of family information is the older people
in the family. Those family members need to be interviewed, notes taken and
photos copied or collected. The reason is - once those family members pass
away, the knowledge they had is no longer accessible. Doing research in
public records requires a starting point. So the knowledge of a home town or
relatives' names can make the search much easier. I told Adam if he knew
the county where his grandfather died in NY, he could order a death certificate.
That document should include the date and place of birth, the father's name and
mother's maiden name (his great grandparents). Birth certificates and
marriage certificates are also helpful. So Adam is on his way and
hopefully he will be reporting the results of his research back to us.
10/26/2005 - We got an email from Umberto Quagliata of Piacenza, Italy.
Umberto's family is originally from Napoli in southern Italy. Welcome to
the global Quagliata family Umberto! You can check out his email below in
the Recent Email section.
10/6/2005 - A couple days ago, Vittorio emailed a rescan of one of his
photos - it turned out great. In the meantime, I had been preparing a new
page for the website titled, "More Quagliata
Narratives." The purpose of this page is to provide a place to post
family information and narratives of lineages that have an unknown linkage to
our main tree. Everyone has been included and Vittorio is the first to
provide photos for his narrative. You can check out the new page
9/15/2005 - Sarah Hughes emailed from Tully, Australia. Her birth name
was Rosaria Maria Quagliata. She found our website by accident while
looking for information on Piedimonte Etneo, Sicily. Of course we've got
Piedimonte listed on our website because it is the home town of two of our
family branches. We've requested additional information from Sara and are
looking forward to her response.
9/12/2005 - Vittorio Quagliata emailed two photos. One of his great
grandfather Giuseppe Quagliata with military medals and one with Giuseppe and
his three sons: Vittorio (Vittorio's grandfather), Agatino (or Agostino) and
Guglielmo. I'm working on them and eventually will get them posted on the
website. Thanks again Vittorio!
8/19/2005 - We got an email from Gilles Guagliata who is researching his
family genealogy. This turned out to be quite an interesting exchange.
Gilles said he got back to 1860, and is trying to reach further back. He
wrote about the curious similarity in the spelling of our surnames. Gilles
says he sometimes "found bugs" between G and Q on old records and wondered if it
was possible that a mistake in records made Quagliata into Guagliata. I
checked the Ellis Island website
and found only 21 entries for Guagliata, while there were 66 entries for
Quagliata. Also, I noticed that many of the towns listed as the "Last
Place of Residence" for Guagliata entries were towns I know to be home towns of
Quagliata family members - Balvano, Linguaglosssa, Palermo and Termini (the home
town of my family branch). Considering the very close similarity of the
names, and those numbers - 21 versus 66, I would guess that the names are the
same and that possibly Quagliata was the original spelling (since there were 3
times as many references to Quagliata on the Ellis Island website).
Another piece of evidence can be seen at the
Gens Labo website where you
can search for Italian surnames. When you enter Quagliata for the cognome
(last name), you get returns from 78 different towns. When you enter
Guagliata for the cognome, you get returns from only 7 towns. Most likely
the original family name was Quagliata and at some point, not too far back in
time, possibly around 1860, someone decided to spell it with a G instead of a Q.
From that point, the Guagliata name has spread into 6 other towns from Palermo.
We're hoping to hear more from Gilles.
8/2/2005 - Our cousin and contributor, Vittorio Quagliata of Milan
emailed a more detailed listing of his branch of the family tree. We have
updated Richard's Chart with the new information. Thanks Vittorio!
7/19/2005 - I just returned from the Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family's "30th Annual Quagliata Family Reunion".
It was held on Sunday July 17, 2005;
at Fair Haven Beach State Park in New York. Brenda Smith (a major
contributor to this website), Rosemary Bowler and other members of the family
did a terrific job organizing the reunion. My wife (Susan) and I (Michael Quagliata), and my father (Joseph Quagliata b. 1930) are members of the Chicago
Quagliata family, and we made the trip to attend. We had a wonderful time.
It was great meeting all the Quagliata's from the Lyons/Rochester family.
We arrived about lunch time and stayed until after dinner. There was all
kinds of good food, dessert and drink. My father was so happy to meet with
relatives, he was talking with family the whole time he was there. We
could see our own family in a couple of the faces there and some Lyons/Rochester
family members said my father looked very much like Pietro Quagliata. I
got to meet the family members who helped out so much in putting together the
Lyons/Rochester information on our website - Linda [Quagliata] Kenny, Brenda
Smith and Jennifer Quagliata - shown with me in the photo on the right (from
left to right: Jennifer, Michael Quagliata, Linda and Brenda, click for a
larger view.) To view more
photos and information about the 2005 reunion,
click here. Many thanks to all for a very
special day.
7/19/2005 - I met Chris Parker (son of Barbara [Quagliata] and Ken
Parker) at the NY Quagliata reunion. I enjoyed meeting Chris, his wife
Elizabeth, and their two children Lindsey and Emily. Chris, a commander in
the Navy, was on leave after being stationed near Kuwait. Chris told me
his cousin, Scott Quagliata (son of Bud Quagliata) is stationed in Iraq
performing dangerous duty. Our hopes and prayers are with Scott and his
family for Scott's safe return home.
* 6/30/2005 - At the end of May we got an email from
Joanne Curro, a member of the Sydney, AUS Quagliata family. She sent us
more genealogical information on her branch of the family tree. I've
finally gotten the appropriate updates completed, including additions to the
"Welcome" page and Richard's Chart. Thanks to Joanne for her continuing
work and contributions to our website!
* 6/14/2005 - Vittorio Quagliata of Milan, Italy emailed.
This is the Vittorio quoted in the "Welcome" section of the
main webpage. He said, "I'm
working on a family chart with all the Quagliatas in Italy related to me. I
assure you that I’ll send my family chart as soon as I’ll get to the bottom of
it! I’ve met Louis Quagliata of Milan, but I’m not related to him. I
am from Sicily - so was my father Francesco, my grandfather Vittorio and my
great-grandfather Giuseppe, who fought with Garibaldi and won three medals.
I hope to be of any help with the construction of your wonderful site. My
best regards, Vittorio." Vittorio also translated the Italian marriage
certificate of Concetto Trovato and Antonina Quagliata. Thanks again to
Vittorio for his help and I can't wait to see his family chart.
* 5/20/2005 - Rita Quagliata of the Ayr Australia family
wrote in to say "A 14", the band her two sons are in, played in a large rock
concert in Ayr. Congrats to Christopher and Carmelo Quagliata. To
check the details and photos, click
* 5/4/2005 - We got an email today from Antoinette
Quagliata. She is a member of the Long Island Quagliata family first
brought to our attention by Carlo Quagliata. Antoinette sent in a nice
genealogical listing as well as some family history.
* 4/27/2005 - Jennifer Quagliata of the Rochester/Lyons
Quagliata family sent in some corrections for her branch of Richard's chart.
Thanks Jennifer!
* 4/26/2005 - Today we got an email from Mary Trovato, who
lives in Sydney, and is a member of the Ayr,
AUS Quagliata family. She sent in a large amount of updated information for her branch
of Richard's Chart. Thanks Mary for your continuing efforts!
* 4/13/2005 - Back on March, 31, we got an email from Mary
Trovato, who lives in Sydney, and is a member of the Ayr, AUS Quagliata family. She mentioned some members of
her family met Luciano Quagliata of Argentina who was on holiday in Australia.
Luciano left his email address, so I was able to contact him. Yesterday, I
got an email from Luciano that included some family details.
We've updated Richard's Chart with the
genealogical information Luciano sent and added Luciano's name to the
Contributor's list.
Many thanks to Luciano for taking the time to provide us with his family
* 4/13/2005 - We did more rearranging of the website and
extended the Quick Chart on Richard's Chart so it includes clickable links to
the lineages of unknown linkage.
* 3/31/2005 - We got an email from Mary Trovato, who lives
in Sydney, and is a member of the Ayr,
AUS Quagliata family today. She sent in some updated information for her branch
of Richard's Chart. Thanks Mary!
* 3/24/2005 - We did some rearranging of the website and
added a "Contributors" page. The new page contains a fairly complete list
of family members who have contributed to the website.
* 3/8/2005 - Sam Quagliata emailed us a nicely detailed
chart of the Sydney, AUS family. We updated Richard's Chart with the new
information. Sam also took the time to send a couple photo scans of family
members taken sometime in the 1940s. We cleaned them up and used them on the
Narrative page. Thanks to Sam for all his work and contributions!
* 2/8/2005 - We got an email from Melchor Quagliata of New
York, NY. His family is originally from Castellammare and came to New York after
being in Argentina for a while. Melchor said, "My father was born in Argentina
in the 1940's. My grandfather and I share the same name - Melchor Quagliata. I
did not see that name on the list. My grandfather's parents came from
Castellamare del Golfo, Sicily. My grandfather also married a woman named
Antonina. There seems to be a
genetic disposition on the part of Quagliatas to marry women named Antonina. It
is also my sister's middle name. At the turn of the century [1900], the
Quagliatas owned or worked on a large olive farm in Italy. My grandfather moved
from Italy to Argentina and there I have a large family. My dad has a cousin in
Argentina and I believe he has met some Quagliatas
in Sicily who still live on that farm that has been passed down for
generations." We are hoping to gather more information on this family as they
are related, probably farther back than Mario Quagliata (1843-19??).
* 1/12/2005 - Coincidentally, with the item just below,
Manuela Quagliata of Italy emailed us. Her brother is Leonardo Quagliata
who is mentioned in the item below. She emailed to offer her help with the
lineage from Castellammare. Also, she mentioned that next week, she would be in
New York and then in Boston. She was hoping to meet me. Unfortunately, I can't.
I live in Michigan. But, were going to try and hook her up with the New York
City Quagliatas.
* 1/10/2005 - We got an email from Joseph Quagliata of
Brooklyn, NY. Joseph sent in some interesting information that is helping us tie
together some lineages of unknown linkage on Richard's Chart. After examining
the information, we could see that his cousin, Joanne (Josephine Quagliata)
Markopoulos had emailed us back in February of 2004. More possible lineages are
related including ones sent in by Daniel Quagliata and Leonardo Quagliata. This is all very exciting and we're looking forward to working on this
* 1/6/2005 - Mary Trovato from Sydney, AUS sent in a big update for
Richard's Chart along with a marriage certificate for Concetto Trovato and
Antonina Quagliata and a couple of terrific photos, including a wonderful group
photo of the Ayr, Australia Quagliata family c.1949. Photos and documents are
always a great thing to have. Many thanks to Mary for the nice addition to our
* 1/1/2005 - Hello everyone. And Happy New Year!
2004 was a great year for our website, as we've added many new branches and
expanded some of our previously know branches. I've decided to add
this "News" and "Recent Email" feature to the website. We've been online
a little more than three years now and the pace of new incoming information has really accelerated.
So to help those interested, we're going to use this section as way to keep up
with what's going on with the website, information acquisition, new contributors
and family news. Thanks to everyone who has emailed us.
Below are some selected/edited emails * Please feel free to email us at
mikequgaliata@hotmail.com *
From Natalie Quagliata Kupinski - Updates.
Date: May, 1, 2024
Hi there! I hope you are well! My son sent me an email and had
just found your page. Not sure what they are researching at school but he was
very excited. I was wondering if I could add my kids to the tree?
the best! Natalie
From Paolo Quagliata - Greetings.
Date: June, 26, 2022
Hello, It seems that we all come from Sicily and when I see photos… it
shows. I was thinking of gathering info and I see that you beat me to it.
Nice to read your research.
From Michael Pisa - Contribution/update.
Date: April, 10, 2022
Michael, I'm Michael Pisa, son of Alphonse and Anne
Pisa (cacciola). I have a few additions for your chart, by the way this is
-- Michael
From Vincent Matulewich - Contribution.
Date: March, 15, 2022
Hi Mike, I just wanted to send you a quick update on the chart. My wife
Toniann and I had another child, her name is Starla Matulewich and she was born
in 2018. If you would, kindly update the list. Very thankful for this project
and hope that one day, my kids and future grandkids find this. Best,
Vincent Matulewich
From Ramiro Quagliata - Contribution.
Date: January, 27, 2022
Hi Mike, It's been a while since we've been in touch,
first of all happy new year. I came to send you some additional information that
... will help to complete the Richard's lineage chart. This information is
about my father's sisters (my aunts), you have their names on the page but you
don't know who they were married to and what their children's names are.
We are in contact for any further information.
Best regards Ramiro
From Ramiro Quagliata - Contribution.
Date: October, 1, 2021
Hello Mike, My name is Ramiro Quagliata. I was looking for information
about the origins of my surname and I found your page, it is very interesting
what you have done. My Italian ancestor emigrated to Argentina but I know that
there are many Quagliata that went to different parts of the world like Uruguay,
United States, Australia, etc. My Italian ancestor's name was Giuseppe
Quagliata, ("José" as he was always called in Argentina because that was the
translation of his name into Spanish). He is my great-great-grandfather and he
was born on January 2, 1877 in the commune of Forza D'Agro in Sicily. His
parents were named Angelo Quagliata (born about 1850) and his mother's name was
Teresa Quagliata. {More genealogical info posted to Richard's Chart}
A pleasure to write you Mike and congratulations for this great project.
big greeting from Argentina - Ramiro
From Nathan Steele - Contribution.
Date: April, 19, 2021
Hi Mike, I am Nathan Steele, part of the Quagliata lineage. I have
updated some information to add to Richard's chart on the website - mostly more
recent information about me, my brother, our children, and my cousins and their
children. I have enjoyed reading and learning more about my heritage on this
site as I am doing some research to see if I am eligible for dual Italilian
citizenship via jure sanguinis (by descent).
Thank you for maintaining this
site! Nathan Steele
From Kyle Pagnutti - Contribution.
Date: April, 28, 2021
Hello Mike, After what has probably been a few years, I finally have some
updates for you! I found that Geltrude Quagliata, who was the wife of one
Alberto Genna and had at least one daughter (Marianna), was the daughter of
Leonardo Quagliata and his wife Vita Grecia (Greco?). Leonardo was the son of
Giuseppe and Geltrude Ligotti, who I believe are in Generation 6 in the main
Castellammare tree. I believe Geltrude Quagliata is listed on your website
already, separately from the largest Castellammare tree. <more updates
I am hard at work connecting all the Quagliatas to the correct
branches, hopefully I will have enough information to provide another suitably
sized update in the coming weeks. Maybe when I am done with my branch I’ll take
a crack at the Forza d’Agro branch to see if I might be able to expand on your
extensive work, or mainland branches. I would love to see every Quagliata on one
Best wishes, Kyle Pagnutti
From Elaine Sloane - Looking for information.
Date: April, 19, 2021
Hello! I’m trying to find out information about my paternal
grandmother, Concetta Quagliata Pagano, 1891-1986. Are you related to my
grandmother? Also, she had a brother who was a cabinetmaker. I do
not remember his name. It may have been Frank, but I’m not sure. Dad
use to speak about regretting not having one of the pieces of furniture he made.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Regards, Elaine Pagano Sloane
From Mike Pagano - Contribution.
Date: December, 21, 2020
Its been a while since I first connected with you all. Have you all taken
DNA tests? DNA has been of tremendous assistance to me in building out my whole
tree. It would be great if you all added a page that listed Ancestry IDs and
GEDMatch numbers. For anyone who is interested my ancestry name is Michael
Pagano and my (and my father’s) GEDMatch are -
JA8751350 Mike P
Gerald Pagano
On the topic of DNA, I believe that Giuseppe Quagliata (wife
Vittorio Villara) and Pasquale Quagliata (wife Teresa Trimarchi) may be brothers
(sons of Giuseppe Quagliata (wife Giovanna Di Cara). - Mike Pagano
From Colleen Wierzbicki - Contribution.
Date: October, 11, 2020
Hi - I am just following up about an earlier inquiry to let you know that I in
fact found my dad’s biological father Anthony Quagliata, son of Francesco Paulo
of New Brunswick. He had no other children and I am not sure if he knew about my
dad as he was a soldier in WW2 and was deployed just before my dad was born.
Thanks for the help. We have since been reunited with wonderful long lost
Quagliata family members. Looking forward for more lost memories.
Colleen Wierzbicki
From Tysen Quagliata -
Date: September 3, 2020
Hi! My name is Tysen Quagliata and I live with my grandmother Sue Quagliata, and
my mother Caprice Quagliata! We live in Monrovia, CA currently and
recently discovered our extended family through this website. -Tysen
From Tayla Quagliata -
Date: July 28, 2020
Hi Mike, My name is Tayla Quagliata. I'm married to Christopher Quagliata from
Ayr, Queensland. Christopher and I were going through the family tree and were
just wondering if there is someone who can update the tree? Christopher just
wanted to firstly update his name – he goes by his legal name Christopher
Charles Quagliata. We were married in 2014 (my maiden name was Tayla Sheridan
Drain). We have just welcomed our first child – Hendrix Luke Quagliata (born
2020). Kind Regards, Tayla Quagliata
From Katherine Ippoliti -
Date: June, 3, 2020
Hi There Mike - My name is Katherine Ippoliti. You helped me quite a few years
ago with tracing my Grandmother, Carmela Quagliata. We figured out that my
Grandmother was a descendant of: Carmelo Quagliata (from Forza D’Agro). I found
out more about Carmela’s tree ... Angelo’s second wife’s maiden name was
actually spelled “Cammareri” - the site has that last name as “Commerie”. Hope
you and all of the Quagliata clan is doing well! Sincerely -
Katherine Ippoliti
From Colleen Wierzbicki -
Looking for information.
Date: February, 5, 2020
Hi, My dad is looking for his father who was a Quagliata from New Brunswick, NJ.
Can you tell me what family was there in 1941? My dad was born March 1942. Do
you have an email or can you put me in contact with that branch? Feel free to
give me email.
Sincerely, Colleen Wierzbicki
From Salvatore DeRose -
Looking for information.
Date: November, 20, 2019
Hello Michael, My name is Salvatore DeRose. I have been searching
everywhere online for my extended family and I've found most of it but nothing
about the Quagliata's until now. My grandfather is John DeRose, who is the
nephew of your Grandfather Mario. He tells me many great stories of him and your
uncles and I would love to connect. I'm young but very interested in learning
about all sides of our family history and I'd love to hear back from you so we
could talk and if you could possibly fill me in on some things. I would really
appreciate that! Please contact me if you get the opportunity.
All the
best, Salvatore DeRose
From Kyle Pagnutti -
Date: May, 31, 2019
Hi Mike, I have more updates on the Quagliata genealogy of
Castellammare del Golfo, with a few connections and corrections on other
Antonino Quagliata, whose wife was Caterina Cusumano, and whose
parents were Giuseppe Quagliata and Geltrude Ligotti, had a son named Giuseppe
Quagliata in approx. 1854 who in about 1885 married a woman named Ignazia Zanca
born about 1859.
There is a Santiago Quagliata who married a Marianna
Bertolino in a line a few below the extensive Castellammare family I helped
form, I found their 1904 marriage record in which he is definitively named as
Giacomo. Feel free to keep the name Santiago up, of course, but please do make a
note that he was known as Giacomo in Italy. Unfortunately, the full record does
not exist anymore, so I will be hunting for his birth record (on which any
bureaucrat would denote a marriage and to whom) to be able to extend that line
back and connect it.
Thank you for continuing the maintenance of the website,
it was a delight for me to look back on all the progress we have made over the
years! -Kyle J. Pagnutti
From Gino Cassaniti -
Date: May, 10, 2019
Hi Mike, Im the grandson of Concetta Qualiata (Sydney Australia).
Just thought I would give you an update on my family. I have another 2
children Mila born 2012 and Adriana born 2014.
Take care - Gino
From Toni Vallee -
Date: July, 20, 2018
Hi Mike, My name is Toni Vallee and I am descended, on my mother’s
side, from Castellammare del Golfo. I am trying to create a family tree
based on names my mother wrote down. My mother documented that her mother,
Marianna Genna, was the daughter of Alberto Genna and Gertrude Quagliata.
My mother is named after Gertrude. I was delighted to see the
Quagliata connection to CDG as my mother’s family seem to be descended from this
small town. My cousins and I (our mothers are sisters) are going to CDG
this September and were hoping to find some information but the rumor is that
many of the birth and death records were burned at some time. Most of my
mother’s family went through Ellis Island and stayed in the New York area.
While I didn’t see any reference to Gertrude Quagliata, on your web site, I
thought I would send you this note to either provide additional information to
you or to get something that may have been unearthed by you and your family.
I think I may have located Alberto Genna’s arrival. He is listed as arriving in
NY in 1906, from Castellammare del Golfo, and being about 48
years old.
However the name is spelled as Alberti, not Alberto. When my cousin and I
visited Ellis Island a couple of years ago, we were not able to find Marianna
Genna’s arrival until one of the helpful volunteers told us that many Sicilian
women kept their maiden names while the children took the father’s name.
With that helpful bit of information we were able to find my grandmother’s
arrival. I hope to do something similar for Gertrude Quagliata.
Thanks for creating the web site and making it available. It was very
interesting to read and was exciting to see that my family might be a part of
this tree.
Vittorio Quagliata -
Saying hello and sending three pictures from the Messina Regional Museum.
Date: November, 21, 2018
Hi Mike, G. B. Quagliata “Birth of Virgin Mary” and
“Immaculate Conception” Messina Regional Museum (Sicily- Italy)
Best wishes, Mike.
Vittorio Quagliata
From Douglas Quay -
Date: June, 23, 2018
Hi Mike, My family surname is Quagliato. My father was born in Pettorano
Sul Gizio, Pasquale Quagliato in 1920. He changed his name around 1945.
His father Antonio went to Steubenville in the early 1900s which you show on
your wonderful website. I have taken the Ancestry DNA test. I was
wondering if you have and whether it shows any relationship and what information
you have linking the 2 names. I look forward to speaking with you.
Regards, Doug
From Luigi Riggi -
Date: November, 28, 2017
I am Luigi Riggi. My grandmother was Maria Alessi. She was daugther
of Salvatore Alessi and Giuseppa Dispenza. Giuseppa had a brother named
Nicolò Dispenza. Nicolò Dispenza married Marta Quagliata. -
Luigi Riggi
From Santina Gambrill -
Date: July, 3, 2017
Hi Mike, I'm a Quagliata descendant; my mother is a Quagliata from
Piedimonte Etneo, Sicily and is cousin to the Tully, AUS family you have noted
in your family genealogy. We stumbled across your page and saw your
contact details. If you're keen to chat and/or add us to your page, let me
know. Kind regards, Santina Gambrill
From Jamie Gindhart -
Date: July, 23, 2016
Hello, I'm writing to you because I am a descended from the Quagliata family.
My great grandmother was Antoinette Quagliata. She married a Pasquale
Basico and became Antioinette Quagliata Basico. I would have to speak with
my mother to find out more details however I do know that I am a descended from
the Quagliata family. Thanks, Jamie Gindhart
From Vincent Matulewich -
Date: April, 6, 2016
Hi Mike, I have an additional update. My brother, Charles Matulewich
married Vera Glikman and have two children: Jayce Matulewich and Izabella
Matulewich. Thanks, Vincent Matulewich
From Kyle Pagnutti -
Continuing research.
Date: January, 17, 2016
Hello Mike, I have some wonderful news! I located a Palermo
genealogist who is willing to help me with all of my Sicilian roots, so I can
continue helping you with the Quagliata patriline! I cannot provide
a definite timescale yet, though. We may find a connection yet! - Kyle Pagnutti
From Vincent Matulewich -
Date: December, 29, 2015
Hi Mike, I am writing to make another addition to the project - Vincent
Matulewich (me) under Richard's chart had another child with wife Toniann Russo.
The child's name is Azriella Matulewich - Born in 2014. Just want to say
thanks for doing amazing work on the project. I hope that you keep it
going for my childrens' sake! Thanks, Vincent Matulewich
From Kyle Pagnutti -
New research and additional listings.
Date: August, 4, 2015
Hello Mike, I have been able to definitively define a new patriarch for
the Castellammare branch. I am currently sitting in an LDS family research
center, with Salvatore Quagliata's birth certificate in front of me. His
parents are Giuseppe and Geltrude Ligotti. He has at least 2 brothers,
both named Leonardo. One was born in 1828, and died early, the other in 1834.
Salvatore was born in late 1835. - Kyle Pagnutti
From Kyle Pagnutti -
Corrections and additional listings.
Date: July 6, 2015
Hello Mike, I have some information to contribute, and sadly, some to redact. I
want to take back my statement that Giuseppe Quagliata is the patriarch of the
Castellammare branch. I have the name of a sibling of Giuseppe, Salvatore and
Nicole’s son, [some corrections and additional listings]. That concludes my
information, perhaps you could give me some. I would like to start a listing of
my own family name, a chart like the one you have set up. Could you provide some
help with that? - Kyle Pagnutti
From Ignacio Barcia - Looking for help
and contributing
a listing to our project.
Date: May 11, 2015
My name is Ignacio Barcia and my great grand mother was Pascuala Quagliata.
I am Uruguayan and she left to Uruguay at some around 1900. I have very
little resources to find more info other than that she gave birth to my
grandfather Oscar Barcia Quagliata, in 1919, and she passed away around 1955.
Have you came across any info regarding the Quagliatas that left to South
America? Do you know of any website with birthday databases worth
checking? Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated!
Best Regards! Ignacio Barcia
From Kyle Pagnutti - contributing
additional listings to our project.
Date: May 2, 2015
Hello, I am Kyle Pagnutti, grandson of Joseph Pagnutti on the
Castellammare del Golfo line, Patriarch Salvatore Quagliata Branch. I have
established a new patriarch for this branch: Giuseppe Quagliata, who is
the father of former patriarch Salvatore Quagliata. I have not been able to
determine his wife’s name. I’d like to suggest that patriarch Giuseppe Quagliata
of the Castellammare Branch is the brother of your ancestor, Mario Quagliata.
- Kyle Pagnutti
From Tony Quaglietta - asking for help
with his lineage.
Date: March 23, 2015
Hi, I recently found your website through an acquaintance and was
surprised to find that I may have been misspelling my last name my whole life!
What is the best way to research my own lineage? I agree that we are
probably all related since there are but a few of us. - Anthongy
From Russell Errigo - with an update.
From Cathy Caruso Trezza - looking for information on her
Caruso family.
Date: July 6, 2014
Hello, My grandfather Rocco Caruso was born in Quagliata. Do you know of
any Carusos? Thanks, Cathy Caruso Trezza
From Annette Marotta - Annette is a member
of the Quagliata family in Balvano. Her grandfather was Nicholas
Quagliata. Annette is looking for information on her branch.
Date: April 6, 2014
Hi: My grandfather was named Nicholas Quagliata and came to the United
States sometimes around 1902-3 and lived most of his life in Brooklyn. His
wife and my mother Pasqualana, renamed Lena Guagliata at customs, arriving in
New York via the Napolitan Prince on Oct, 16th 1905 - she was four years old at
the time. She and her mother came from Balvano. Any information
about my dear mother and grandfather would be appreciated. Otherwise, just
add to the general list of information in case anyone knows anything. Much
thanks, Annette
From Amelia Galier Louis - Amelia is the
great-great granddaughter of Pietro Quagliata (1870(69?)-1946). She's happy to
have found our website and has contributed a narrative of her family and some genealogical
Date: March 1, 2014
My name is Amelia Galier Louis. I've been trying to find more information on my
family that came over from Sicily and I believe that I am part of the Quagliata
family tree! It's amazing that I have just now found your website! My
grandfather, Peter Galier, passed down files of records to me, which shows a
strong connection to the Quagliata family from Castellammare Del Golfo, Sicily.
Our records are based off a family history told by Michela Pellegrino, which was
complied by her son Samuel. There are other contributions from her other sons,
Vincent and Victor, in the form of narratives. Most of these records match with
the contributions provided by Anthony Galier on the [Quagliata] website. So
happy to have found out about all of this! Thank you for all this hard
work, Amelia
From Angelo Quagliata - Angelo is the great
great grandson of Angelo Quagliata (1887-19??), son of my great great
grandfather Mario Quagliata (1843?-19??). He just discovered our website and
emailed in some genealogical contributions. Translated from Italian.
Date: January 30, 2014
My name is Angelo Quagliata born in Susa (TO) in 1983. My dad is called Giuseppe
Quagliata born in Trabia (PA) in 1959. Maria of the photo (Cousin Maria) is the
aunt of my grandfather! My grandfather Angelo Quagliata was born in Sicily
near Palermo in 1936 and moved near Turin when he was 60 years old. His father
was Mario Quagliata born at the beginning of the 1900s, son of Angelo Quagliata.
My father Joseph followed tradition and gave the name of his father to his son.
In fact, my grandfather Angelo named his first son Mario after his father.
However my father Joseph was the first of the sons of Angelo to have a son, so
he then gave me the name Angelo, same as my grandfather. Thanks
From Jeannine Scheeringa -
emailing thanks for Grandpa Mario's pepper seeds.
Date: December 3, 2013
We had excellent luck with the peppers. I had several standing orders from true
Melrose pepper admirers! (You could pick out the true Italians that were
recreating a grandma's recipe!!!) We also babied the plants and they
produced all summer. I'm positive that I will have return customers looking for
Grandpa Mario's Melrose peppers. Thanks again and I'll be contacting you again
after the first of the year. Happy Holidays
From Joanne Curro - one of our
contributors asking for help and we were able to solve her problem.
Date: November 11, 2013
How are you? One of my cousins came to see e the other day and she saw a
photo of my grandparents. She asked me where I got it and I told her from the
website. I have not been able to find the photo any more as I wanted to print
her one or advise her where to find it. My cousin Sam Quagliata from Sydney
scanned some photos for the website but as I mentioned we cannot find them. Can
you please assist.
Best regards Joanne Curro
From Vincent Matulewich -
contributing additional
information to our project.
Date: August 6, 2013
I would like to update the chart a bit, and I am wondering how I can do that,
and specifically what information I might be able to add? Ask me any questions,
and I would love to help you if I can as I think it is very important that my
daughter has this information!!! Thanks, Vincent Matulewich
From Valeria Quagliata -
contributing additional
information to our project.
Date: May 15, 2013
I write in order to provide information to help complete your family tree. My
name is Valeria Quagliata. I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I am the
granddaughter of Santiago Quagliata and Claudio Quagliata's daughter. My
brother's name is Augustine Quagliata and my mother Andrea Valid. My uncle
Sergio Quagliata has 3 children that are named Erica Quagliata, Nicolas
Quagliata and Tom Quagliata. I am very glad that this reflected the history of
my family on the web, many thanks and a giant hug.
From Jeannine Scheeringa - Jeannine runs
Scheeringa Farms & Greenhouses in Highland, Indiana and participates in
Chicago's Farmers' Market program. We've been discussing a deal that would allow
her to grow
Grandpa Mario's Peppers commercially and have
reached an agreement.
Date: December 3, 2012
Thank you so much. In order to make this worth my time it is necessary for us to
plant at least a whole row. We grow a total of 5-6 acres of peppers, Would it be
possible to buy 1000-1500 seeds from you? I'm really excited to grow this
particular variety and I want to have enough that they don't "get lost" in all
the different varieties that we grow. I appreciate all that you have done. If
you ever have the chance to come to our farm, please do. We would be happy to
show you how they are doing. Thank you for all your time and have a prosperous
growing season. Jeannine Scheeringa
From Martina Latin Gardner - Thanks from a
family member, her mother is Sandra Jean Quagliata.
Date: December 3, 2012
[My name is] Martina Latin Gardner (mother is Sandra Jean Quagliata (Latin) –
father was Salvatore Quagliata of Newark New York. [I am in touch with Toni
Quagliata here in Arizona.] {Second email December 11, 2012} I am in touch
with them [the Lyons/Rochester family] as well. Thank you for all your efforts
your site has been fun to visit. My Mom was at the reunion two years ago you
might have met her and didn't even realize.
I was more intrigued with sharing the Antoinette "Toni" Quagliata
information from the painter side of the family, she is a beautiful person and
we work together here in Arizona. I see from your site that we are
related. Keep up the good work! Martina
From Joseph Quagliata - Thanks from a
family member.
Date: November 21, 2012
Mike, I am the grandson of Salvatore and Antonina Quagliata, of whom Nina
Puccio wrote and submitted pictures. I live in New York, but am vacationing in
Italy for the first time. Earlier today my wife met a distant relative of her
grandfather here in Italy. It was quite amazing. This prompted me to google
search "Quagliata" and Cassellamare where I know my grandfather came from. At
the bottom of the web page I clicked on
your email to say hello, and thanks for putting this together. My father was
Nick Quagliata, one of the 8 children of Salvatore and Antonina, of which only
Lena is left (as is correctly reflected on the website). Again, hello, and
thanks for your work on this website. Regards, Joe Quagliata
From Dominick Santoro -
Possible relative
From Salvatore Corso - One of our
contributors emailed some new and exciting information.
Date: October 18, 2012
Ciao Mike, How are you? It’s been a long time since we e-mailed. I have
some news for you! I received from my cousin Laura a copy of Giuseppe’s
Quagliata’s family Coat of Arms [image
here]. Unfortunately the copy is not in color. It confirms, as I had
mentioned, that our branch of Quagliata originates from Padova, proved now by
the inscription on the Blazon. Below the crest is the following inscription, I
will try to translate:
From Valachie Quagliata - Valachie
contacted us as a possible relative. I emailed him, but as of yet have not heard
Date: August 9, 2012
Hi Michael, My name is Valachie Quagliata, I am a mixed parentage of Papua
New Guinea and I guess Italy. I was born in 1989 both my parents passed away
when I was a kid. My father worked in PNG and met my mother and well I was born.
Anyway, don't know if I will fit in your family tree but just contacted you coz
I have a surname that's Quagliata. Regards, VQ
From Colleen Foley - Saying how she
enjoyed our site.
Date: July 3, 2012
Hello Michael, I stumbled across your family tree after "linking in" with
Maryann K. I loved the names of the ancestors in Rome and Sicily and first few
generations in the US. Looks like a couple of other infiltrations of the Irish
besides Denys! Great job - I am sure it took a lot of hard work. My uncle
on my mother's side has generated a binder about five inches thick going back to
1700's as well. Colleen
From Leon Deprest -
Leon asked for some of Grandpa Mario's Peppers seeds. I sent him some.
From "Noonzee" - Just looking for some help concerning Linguaglossa. I
pointed out that on another map I have, there are two names printed on it for
Linguaglossa: One is Linguaglossa, and the other is Linguaglossa Catania. Both
names refer to the same town.
Date: September 18, 2011
My father was from Linguaglossa and I just returned from a trip there visiting
some of my cousins. In looking at the map of Sicilia I noticed there are two
Linquaglossa's. They could not explain why and thought perhaps it was a mistake.
I, however, find it difficult to believe it was "just a mistake" on the map and
I would really appreciate it if you could answer this for me or direct me to
someone who could. Thank you.
From Joe Zammuto - Back in January Joe asked for some of Grandpa Mario's
pepper seeds. Joe's maternal grandfather was born about 30 miles from
grandpa Mario. Mario was born in Termini Imerese, Sicily, and Joe's grandfather
was born in San Guisseppe. Joe's paternal grandfather Zammuto was born in
Aragona, Sicily, maybe a hundred miles away. I sent him some seeds and at the
end of the growing season Joe emailed a report.
Date: September 5, 2011
Once again, thank you for the seeds. 100% germination, all grew great in my garden
and my family and I love them. They are wonderful. Great raw, grilled or with
eggs. Saving seeds now. I let them dry about 2 weeks before storing. Your
Grandfather's name comes up many times as we enjoy them. Regards,
Joe Zammuto
From Sheila Perino Sapienza - Sheila has been very generous and kind in
sharing her wonderful research with us.
Date: July 5, 2011
Hi, I have some information on this family in Castellammare del Golfo. I guess
you can say I am [related], but very distantly. One of my lines has Quagliattas
way back (late 1700-early 1800s). I have been doing extensive research on the
family in Castellammare and was there in March. I was working with an Italian
heritage group trying to find cousins (I did). When we were discussing the
family trees, one of the group indicated that there are still some Quagliattas
there. In the old days the name was spelled with a double "t" (Quagliatta). I do
research at a local LDS family history center and have access to Catholic Church
records (mostly from the Mother Church) in the town back to the 1600s. I will
extract what I have and put it on either a spread sheet or a ged com and send it
along as soon as I can. Sheila
From Daniel Ashkeboussi - commenting on our website.
Date: May 27, 2011
Hello, my name is Daniel Ashkeboussi. I am the son of Christine (Quaglietta)
Ashkeboussi, and grandson of Americo Quaglietta. I was thinking our families
could be related, but I do not know very much about my grandfathers side of the
family. The only information I know is that my great grandparents names were
Michael Quaglietta, from Naples, and Ida (Concata) Quaglietta, from Northern
Italy. Also, I know we are related to
Quaglietta's in NewYork. I thought it might be a possibility that the original
surname was Quagliata, but was changed when they immigrated to the United
States, which would make us distant relatives. It would be much
appreciated if someone could share any knowledge they have about this possible
connection. Awesome website by the way!
From Trixie Rossier and Andrea Zamora - contributing and looking for help
locating a family member.
Date: May 3, 2011
Hello, We are trying to get in touch with Mary Lynn Quagliata and Suzie, is
there any contact information for Joe or her? If so please forward this on. We
would like to reach out to her. Please forward my information to Caprice as
well. The only info that I have on my grandmother is that she was once married
to a Joe Quagliata, who, was in the Navy (possibly, if I remember the story
right). They had 2 daughters Suzie and Mary. I believe Mary stayed with her
father Joe, but Suzie moved out here to CA. Thank you for making this family
tree. Our grandmother will be in tears when this is told to her. Thank you once
again. Trixe and Andrea.
From Donna - commenting on our website.
Date: April 22, 2011
Hello, I just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I am enjoying your
website. I too have embarked on a genealogy project of my family; ... (from)
Mezzoiuso and Campofiorito, both towns of Sicily. I have a long way to go. I
landed on your site, specifically on the Italian Immigration History page, as a
result of search to better understand what the conditions were for my
grandparents both in Italy and upon their arrival in New York. As an aside, my
favorite part was in the Joy of Growing Up Italian American section because I
remember the "scissor man" (!!!) albeit vaguely. We would hear the bell and my
mother made we walk (not run) to have the scissors and her knives sharpened!
Thank for you this wonderful site. I will keep it bookmarked and refer to it
often. Buona Pasqua a voi e la vostra famiglia. -Donna
From Steven Lyncard - contributing information to our project.
Date: April 9, 2011
Hello, My name is Steven Lynchard. I am the son of Michelle (Quagliata)
Lynchard. I have some information that can help your links to find our
family history. Thank you so much for this wonderful website full of
information. Please keep me updated with any new information you find
going back to our family history. I hope this [attached information] is
somewhat helpful to you and your researching. Good luck with your
searching! Thank you, Steven Lynchard
From Gino Cassaniti - contributing information to our project.
Date: March 15, 2011
I'm Gino Cassaniti. the grandson of Concetta Quagliata and Salvatore Cassaniti.
I have attached some information correcting my family’s details. I was
wondering how you obtained so much detail? Do you have any information on
the Cassaniti Side? Coat of arms, history, etc? I think what you
have done is great. Hope to hear from you soon. Your Cousin,
Gino Cassaniti
From Valerie Colavito Cooper - complementing our website.
Date: February 7, 2011
Hello I just finished reading The Joy of Growing Up
Italian American. Wow, I thought I was reading about my life. I brought back a
lot of memories. Great Article. Thanks.
From Jeff M - complementing our website and thanking us for the information
available on our website.
Date: January 12, 2011
I used some information from your website for a school project. Of course I
cited everything. I thought your site was great. Your Italian American History
page was great. There was a lot of information on there that I didn't know. My
family came here from Sicily (I'm not sure what part) and bought a farm in
Pennsylvania. The other side of the family worked on the railroad. Thanks
again for your contribution to the Italian American community.
From Paul Russo - complementing our website and contributing some interesting
Date: October 17, 2010
Hello Michael, I am not related to the Quagliata family, but I was
browsing at the website, and I found it to be incredibly very well put together
and very detailed and organized. Congratulations for a job well done! I am also
working on a similar Genealogy and History project for my family's ancestry, and
I can appreciate all the work that you have done.
From Anthony Palmisano - contributing information to our project.
Date: December 18, 2009
My great grandmother was Frances Cecela Guagliata and was from Termini Imerese,
Sicily and came to America in 1903 with my Great Grand father Giuseppe Palmisano.
From Stuart Pollack - this is typical of the several emails I get every year
about Melrose peppers.
Date: October 15, 2009
Michael, I found your website while looking for information about Melrose
peppers. You've collected by far the best information on its history that I've
been able to find, and I am greatly appreciative that you shared it on your
website. Your Grandpa Mario's pepper also sounds wonderful. Do you have seeds
available for others, or plants in the spring. I no longer live in the Chicago
area, but most of my family still does. Thanks so much, Stuart
From Susan Brunasso - contributing information to our project.
Date: May 18, 2009
My name is Susan Brunasso and I am helping my brother-in-law Vincent Cesare with
his genealogy research. I was happy to find your site on Google and I have some
information from Vince to add. Every birthday Vince's grandfather [Pietro
Quagliata (1870-19??)]
would tell the family about his life and the stories have been written down
which helps a great deal in research.
[Susan includes a wonderful story of the
history of this family line that we will work in the Narrative section of the
I did some searching for Angelo Qualiata's family... [Attached
links to record for:] Grazia Currenti and
Rosario Quagliata. Hope this is helpful. Susan Brunasso
From Martin Fernandez Quagliata - complimenting our website and makeing a
Date: March 3, 2009
Dear Mike, My name is Martin Fernandez Quagliata. My mom's name is Silvia
Quagliata, and my grandfather's name is Vicente Quagliata. My great-grandfather
was called Avelino Quagliata. We are from Montevideo, Uruguay, in South America.
I'm very pleased to find your website through the Google engine. Astounding job,
seriously. Congratulations! I've seen that you guys managed to gather some
information that a branch of my grandfather's family has descendants on Southern
Italy, on the mainland specifically, according to your site. Even though I
understand that your family branch comes from Sicily, I wanted to know if you
can help me find some info on my side of the family. As it says on the map
you've published on your website, my ancestors, Guiseppe or Humberto Quagliata,
were from Southern Italy or Balvano, Italy. If you have any information to help
me please write me back. It's been years since my grandfather is looking for
some information on this matter and hasn't been able to find any. Thanks
for your time, Martin Fernandez Quagliata
From David Ross - inquiring about Grandpa Mario's peppers.
Date: February 26, 2009
Hi Michael, I really enjoyed reading the history of “Grandpa Mario’s
Peppers” on your website. Can I buy them or the seeds? [I
offered to send David some seeds] Thanks for
all this wonderful info. I would be honored to accept your offer of seeds and
growing information. I grew up in Chicago (near north side) and now live in NE
Wisconsin. Katie and I love to cook Italian mostly and would love to add Grandpa
Mario's Peppers to our menu. Please let me know of any costs. Best
regards, David & Katie Ross
From Santina (Bottaro?) - making a contribution to her branch's genealogy
Date: January 21, 2009
Hi, This is wonderful!! Thank you for taking the time to put this
together. I would like to add some more information regarding the Sydney
Quagliatas. Sorry I have a few gaps, but I'll speak to a few people and see what
we can fill in. Thank you, Santina
From Francesca Panuccio - getting another contribution ready.
Date: January 18, 2009
Hi Mike, Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year. I have
not forgotten about your project. Just waiting on a few more contacts to get
back to me. You will be amazed how much I, with a lot of help, were able to fill
in gaps [in Richard's Chart]. I currently have about 3 people working on
information for your chart. Everywhere I go I ask about our background in the
hope of gaining more info. I have even skyped some Quagliata's and told them to
go on to your site. I also managed to get some photos of my great great
grandmother Caterina Quagliata (Petrocitto). I'll email you soon with
info. Francesca
From Alfio Quagliata - a note of praise about our web site, and a
contribution of family information.
Date: December 27, 2008
Dear Mike, I am Alfio Quagliata, I learned very much on your Webpage of
the Quagliata history and genealogy! I found it very very interesting and very,
very good. I compliment you Mike. My grandfather, Alfio Quagliata was born
in Linguaglossa (Catania) 12 May 1862 and died the 15 October 1949. He was
married with Antonina Curcuruta, born in Linguaglossa 6 Jun 1862 and died 22
October 1957. Alfio and Antonina had 2 Sons and one daughter: Salvatore, Rosa
and Gaetano (my father). My grandfather, Alfio, moved to Syracuse New York in
1908 with my uncle Salvatore (13 years old). After living in Syracuse for 20
years Alfio returned back to Sicily in 1928. I am the son of Gaetano and Natala
Tornatore. We have a son and daugther and lived in Berlin, Germany for 41 years.
We have now comeback in Sicily because my wife loves Sicily. I send you the best
regards and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year 2009! Ciao,
Alfio Quagliata
From Domenic Petti - a note of praise about enjoying our web site.
Date: November 10, 2008
Dear Michael, I stumbled across your website. I started reading and
could not stop till I read every word. What an enormous amount of work went into
this, well done! Thank you for sharing and God bless!
Domenic Petti CEC
From Salvatore Corso - his grandmother is Laura Quagliata.
Date: October 14, 2008
Dear Michael, My name is Salvatore Corso and I live I Rome, Italy.
Yesterday I came across your website of the Quagliata Family. Well, it surprised
me very much as I have always known that my grandmother was a Quagliata from
Caltanissetta. After reading your site, I started to make some phone calls, to
the few relatives in Sicily to whom I still have some contacts, to get more
information about my granny’s family. It came out that Giuseppe Quagliata
[Salvatore's great grandfather], the hero of the
family, had beside the three sons that are shown on the picture, also four
daughters named Clorinda, Silvia, Laura (my granny) and Marta. Laura got married
to Salvatore Corso (my granddad) a wealthy Baron by the end of 1800, and they
had 21 children, and my father (b. 1918 – d. 1989), was the 20th. Through my
cousin Laura Corso, I got in touch with Lucia Locelso one of Clorinda’s
children, who is a retired teacher in Monza (She told me that her brother
Antonio has still our grandfather's sword). I haven’t been able to get in touch
with other family members, but I got news that Giuseppe Quagliata’s origin was
from Venice, that would match with the loose string of that part of the family.
I got also news that at the change of the century (the last one, not this one),
Guglielmo became Station Master in Cosenza and moved there, where he got married
and had 6 children ( I don’t have all the names yet, I’ll let you know asap).
The youngest one was Michele, who was a judge – unfortunately he died in his
late forties / early Fifties, shortly after having married (he got female
twins). One last piece of information I got: one of my father’s brothers Angelo,
due the Spanish disease in 1918, became deaf mute in his teens and the family
decided to marry him to one cousin of the Quagliata family… (I’ll investigate)
and they moved to Torino (where the last Winter Olympic games took place),
shortly before or after the war. One last thought… could it be that Giuseppe and
Mario where brothers ? as they fought at the same time in the same war. It was
common in those days that relatives, friends and people from the same area went
together to war ! Hoping to hear from you soon.
Sincerely, Salvatore
From Andrew Hoover - requesting help with family connections to our tree. We
hooked him up with our contributor Donna Schiazza who has good knowledge of the
DiCocco tree.
Date: September 1, 2008
Hello: My wife, Dinah Rai DiCocco Hoover, is the daughter of the late Angelo
Antonio DiCocco (we're sure it must be him listed in your research). Tony was
killed in a car accident in November, 1978 near Toronto, Ohio. He was married to
Margarite (Rawson) Pearl DiCocco (b.1927) in 1963. They gave birth to three
children: Dennis Dean DiCocco; Dinah Rai DiCocco; and Mark Mitchell DiCocco.
Dinah knew Antonio's siblings by the following names: Charles, Mary, Sarah,
Annie, Goldie. However, Antonio was born in 1911 and the family was located in
Stebenville, Ohio. If you have further information about this branch of your
family, I'd surely like to know it. Dinah knows virtually nothing about her
father's background, and we would like more information if you have any;
likewise, if I can help you further, please feel free to e-mail me.
Andrew Hoover
From Agustina Quagliata - contributing family information.
Date: July 28, 2008
(Translated from Spanish)Hello! My name is Agustina
Quagliata. I live in Argentina. My grandfather, Paschal Quagliata was born in
Balvano. My father is Eduardo Quagliata. I want to add to the list my cousin
Josefina Maria Quagliata, daughter of Luciano, and my younger sister Eugenia.
Many thanks Quagliata!
From Stéphane Quagliata - contributing family information.
Date: July 27, 2008
Dear Michael, My name is Stéphane Quagliata, and i'm living in Lyon,
France. I'm the only son of Agostino Quagliata born in Casablanca, Morocco in
1944 and Micheline Blanchard born in Casablanca so in 1945. My father died in
1997 in Plascassier, south of France. He had 2 sisters, Claudia and Maria the
elder. My Claudia is died in 1998, my aunt Maria is still living in Mandelieu in
the east south of France. My grandfather Gaspard Gabriel Quagliata was born in
September 1909 in Tunis, Tunisia. He died in 1966 in Agadir, Marocco. He was
married to Giusepine Rizzo, my grandmother; she died in 1999 in Plascassier,
east south of France where she was living with me and my parents. My parents
come to France in 1969 and I was born in Beauvais, north of France in 1971. I
have a son, Elian, he's born in Lyon in 2002. Maybe I can get some more
information about my grand grandfather from my aunt Maria. I know that my
grandfather had a brother. Really thanks for your work, it's really great!! I
attached an old photo of Agadir's harbor. If you zoom in you can see the name
Quagliata on a sign - it was my grandfather's wrought iron enterprise in
1950-60. Thanks again. Best regards, Stéphane
From Timmy [Quagliata] Galier - contributing family info - this Quagliata
branch had its sir name changed to Galier.
Date: July 19, 2008
Hi, my name is Timmy Galier. I am Anthony (Tony) (Quagliata) Galier's Grandson.
Anthony Galier married Theresa Tantanella. Her sister Sarah married Anthony's
brother John Galier. Anthony was the only one of his family not to be born in
Sicily, and same with his wife Theresa. Anthony passed away in 1994 and his
brother John passed away 2006. The story I hear from my grandmother is that when
Anthony's family was on the boat over to America from Sicily and when they would
ask your last names, they could nout pronounce "Quagliata" so they gave them "Galier".
Some of the brothers in his family kept Quagliata but him and his brother John
decided to use Galier.
[Timmy includes a family listing which can be seen on Richard's Chart, but I
deleted from here] This is as much as I can remember off of the
top of my head and from my father. I will be able to get much more information
when I am able to sit down with my grandmother. Thanks and hope that this
information will be helpful!! Thanks again - Timmy Galier
From Tom Campanile - commenting on our website.
Date: July 18, 2008
What fun reading your section on growing up Italian American. It was like going
home again. Nothing has ever come close to those Brooklyn Sunday mornings with
the aroma of garlic and olive oil. BTW: great web site. Tom
From Angie Atkin - comments on our website and help with the family crest.
This lead to a series of email exchanges that helped us learn more about the
symbolism used in European family crests.
Date: July 11, 2008
Dear Mike, I have been browsing through your website and would like to
congratulate you on developing a fantastic site. I am not related to you but was
researching my own family history, in particular the 'Coat of Arms' when I came
across your site. I have notice a lot of similarities with your family 'Coat of
Arms' and that of my own family 'Cuccomarino' from Serrata, Reggio Calabria, and
wondered if there was any specific designs that were distributed to families of
nobility during that period. I have attached a sample of my family's 'Coat of
Arms' for your perusal. If you have any information as to the similarities, I
would be very greatly. I live in Australia and it is not an easy task when
researching history. Kind regards, Angie Atkin
From Valeria Quagliata - contributing family info.
Date: June 15, 2008
Hi, I'm Valeria Quagliata. My father is Claudio, son of Giuseppe and Giovanna.
Claudio's brothers are Umberto, Amedeo and Vittorio. I live in Naples and like
to write to some of the Quagliatas in the world. I'm married to Franco Spilbotte.
My sister is Sabina and my brother is Arnoldo - he works in cinema flamino.
From Tony Spera - commenting on our website and asking for help.
Date: May 12, 2008
Hi, I came across your webpage about your grandfather in my search for
information on Melrose peppers. A really fascinating story, especially the fig
tree. Anyway, I plan on growing some peppers in my garden this
year and was looking to see where I can buy plants in the Brookfield, Illinois
area. Needless to say, it's difficult to find them. Last year, I saved some
Melrose seeds and have tried to germinate them but have not had any success.
Could you give me an idea how I should go about this? Or do you know where I
could buy some
plants? Any help would be appreciated. Thanx for your time -- Tony S
From Karen Busca - researching her family connections to our tree. We
provided her documents and sources that were helpful.
Date: April 3, 2008
Dear Mike, I am the mother of Michael Pagano. I'm also the family historian.
I've been working on Michael's father's side the past few weeks for Mike's
birthday soon. I Googeled a name last night and up came your web pages... I was
so pleasantly surprised! I will have some additional info for you concerning
Concetta Quagliata Pagano b. 1891 (Cleveland to NY). I would however like info on
the sources relating Stellario 'Frank' Quagliata 1885-1959, including the
sources for proof that Stellario Quagliata (1825-1894, Sicily) is Guiseppe
Quagliata's (1857) father. I have a little bit of conflict with names and dates
[difficulties on the Ellis Island site]. I'll keep working on this. My sources
have been passenger lists, census, military registrations, Ancestry. com and
Familysearch. org. I have no verbal history. Thanks for your time,
hoping to hear from you, Karen Busca
From Zina Cavallo - maiden name Quagliata.
Date: January 10, 2008
Hi Mike, My name is Zina Cavallo, and my maiden name was Quagliata. I live
in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I found your website very interesting and
would be happy to contribute information - I just need to sit down with my
father and get as much info as I can from him! My dad migrated from
Calatabiano in Sicily about 40 odd years ago. There aren't too many Quagliata's
around! I will get back to you with some info if you'd like.
Regards, Zina Cavallo
From Gilles Guagliata - reporting on his family research.
Date: August 9, 2007
Hello Mike, Hello every Quagliata, Guagliata and other surname variations
! Just few news about the "french researcher" : I go slowly but
surely :-)
I found Francesco Guagliata (G on Civil registration, Quagliata on baptism
registration) born 1832 in Palermo (My " N+4 "), and married to Maria Casimo.
Francesco's father, Vincenzo (My N+5) born 1792 or 1793 and married to
Giuseppa Lo Monaco. I'm trying to find more about Vincenzo. I know he lived in
Palermo and was tailor. There is no more civil registration now (<1820) and I
have to continue on church registration in Latin. I never really studied Latin
at school (one year when I was thirteen); so it's difficult for me to read Latin
manuscripts. The good news is there are church registrations between 1491 and
1825 in Palermo, but are we from Palermo since 15th?
PS for Guagliata: Justin, Jennifer and Henry : I found 5 others
Guagliata's, sons of Vincenzo 1792 - Gaspare 1826, Fernandino 1836, Carmela
1838, Rosalia 1841 and another Fernandino 1844; also in Palermo. Maybe they are
Mike, your job " Origin of the Quagliata Name " is very interesting.
Congratulations for this.
Kindest regards, Gilles
PS: Did I tell you that I live in France? I don't remember if I ever
told this (It's obvious only for me !). We are one hundred Guagliata of the same
branch in France. Other point : There are 8 Quagliata in France. Do you "
know " them? Gilles
From Vittorio Quagliata - with fantastic news for our project.
Date: May 10, 2007
Dear Mike, I have some news regarding our research! First of all, please
find attached the coat of arms of
the Quagliata family. This is the coat of arms of our ancestor the painter
Giovan Battista (or Giambattista) Quagliata (1603-1673), granted him by the
viceroy of Sicily Don Juan José of Austria. The left part of the shield is the
most ancient; it sports two Ghibellini’s castles, meaning that the family is an
old one, member of the Ghibellini Party, that opposed to the Pope in central and
northern Italy in the thirteenth century. The right half of the shield is a most
recent addition, the bird in the golden stripe is a quail (meaning reflection
and truth).
I came across this, reading a beautiful booklet, on the life of Giambattista
Quagliata, whose author is a distant cousin: Professor Iana Quagliata, born a
Quagliata from Forza d’Agrò and married Quagliata too (amazing isn’t it!).
She wrote this book as her degree essay and, now that she has retired, she
edited it and had it printed. She now lives in Monza, in the Milan area, and
sent me three copies of her book. Please give me your address, because she asked
me, absolutely, to send a copy of her book to “our American cousins”. I’ll send
also a translation, if needed, as soon as possible.
Speaking with her, I also learned, as stated in her book, that the father of Giambattista Quagliata (also a painter but less talented) was from Rome. His
name was Giovan Domenico (or Giandomenico) and he had another son: Andrea, older
than Giambattista.
We don’t have any account of the sons of Giambattista (at least two), who
quarreled with the father and whose names the biography of Giambattista don’t
even report.
We know for sure that Giambattista was granted a noble title and some land in
the countryside area of Forza d’Agrò, between the city and the sea, where later
developed the new city of Sant’Alessio Siculo, from where most of his descendant
I’m still researching other news of the family and will let you know as soon as
I get them.
Best regards,
Vittorio Quagliata
From Maria del Carmen Lopez Quagliata - from the Uruguay Quagliata family.
Date: April 14, 2007
Hi, My name is Maria del Carmen Lopez Quagliata. I live in Uruguay. My grand
grand father came here, his name was Giusseppe Quagliata. If you are
interested I can send you some histories about my family. I want to go to
his parents but I couldn't do it. I found your place and I decided to
to you. English is a foreign language, I try to do my best. I'm glad to
you. I know that my family is related to Humberto Quagliata, my mother met him
years ago. I think that Francis Quagliata is related too because an aunt of my
mother told me that we are all related in Uruguay. I'm trying to make a
genealogical list of my family. I'm going to send it to you. I have some photos
and I have the ticket that my grand grand mother used when she came from Italy.
I also have the military book of my grand grand father and others documents.
From Jennifer Guagliata - looking for family contacts.
Date: April 14, 2007
Hi! I am actually a Guagliata, but I'm still curious about the project you're
doing. Any more info on how the Guagliatas fit in to the genealogy would be
appreciated! Possibly we are related? jigi (Jennifer)
From Filomena Di Stasio - contributing a genealogy listing of her family.
Date: March 26, 2007
Hello Mike. What an exciting find your website was. I am a first
generation Italian Canadian. Both my parents came from Balvano Italy. I am a
great niece of Antonio Quagliata of Balvano Italy. My paternal grandmother
was Filomena Di Stasio (Quagliata) (1906-1993). She was one of six siblings of
Antonio Quagliata (~1907-1966). The siblings were/are: Filomena Quagliata
1906-1993), Carmela Quagliata 1912~2005, Vincenzo Quagliata 1914-19??, Carmine
Quagliata 1916-19??, Guiseppina Quagliata born 1918, and Guiseppe Quagliata born
1920. As far as I know all siblings were born in Balvano. All married in
Balvano. My grandparents emigrated to Canada in 1958. Other than Filomena and
Antonio, the other siblings remained in Balvano. Their parents were: Gerardo
Quagliata, born ?? (probably Balvano), died ~1962 (Balvano); and Caterina Teta,
born?? (probably Balvano), died 1957 (Balvano). That's as far back as I've
been able to go with my family tree. Unfortunately I didn't get started until
after all grandparents were gone. I'll keep watching your website and maybe
I'll be able to go further back. Bye for now. Filomena Di
From Douglas Bush - of the Lyons/Rochester family, looking for family
Date: March 17, 2007
My name is Doug and my adoptive father is David Quagliata, brother to Terry and
Patricia (departed). Sophie and Joseph are his parents (Joe is gone we still
cherish Sophie). David has one son, my half brother Danny - he has two girls,
Justina and Darien. We Grew up in Lyons/Newark on the Arcadia Zurich Norris
Road. I know Terry has boys Andrew and ??? (ashamed). I've been to the family
picnic many times years ago. It would nice to hear back from any one. My e-mail
douglasabush@yahoo.com Maybe I'll make the picnic.
From Marjorie Eyre - family news.
Date: February 26, 2007
Mike: You need to make a correction - Alexandra Victoria Quagliata is [the]
daughter of ... Frank [Quagliata and me]. Alexandra... is on the Deans List at
Mercer University, she was named Atlantic Sun’s Golfer of the Month in
November... she was a nationally ranked US Platform and Springboard Diver as
well in her “younger” days - kind of funny because she is young anyways! I took
her to St. Andrews Scotland, UK [last] summer, where she shot a 76 on the Old
Course. You’ve done a wealth of research and great job on your project site.
Very interesting, I hope to read more into all of it when I have more time. I
think we may have some earlier ancestry connectivity from some of the other
surnames in my line.
From Richard Quagliata - of the St Louis family.
Date: February 21, 2007
Hi Mike. I have some wonderful news. My son John Quagliata and his wife
Melissa had a baby! Lucy Ardella Quagliata was born February 2007. Can you
believe it. I'm a grandpa! Rick Q
From Jo-Ann Hall - Looking for help researching genealogy.
Date: January 14, 2007
I haven't had time to explore all of your website, but I would love to be able
to do that with our families from Pettorano as well. My grandfather,
Giuseppe Tecca and his wife Antonia Panza were from there. I have history going
back to the late 1700's but don't know where to look for information before
then. Who is the person I should be in contact with in your family tree
who might be helpful to me in doing research and possibly having a website, or
adding to yours. I did find a lady who is transcribing all the info that
is at the Family Tree Library in Salt Lake City. I am hoping she will
eventually be able to copy and sell CD's so we can all have the information.
Which family tree program did you put your information into?
Jo-Ann Hall
From Marino Anesa - Looking for help researching Quagliata musicians.
Date: December 22, 2006
I have seen your Quagliata Family Genealogy Project. I am a band
historian, particularly devoted to Italian band music authors of the 19th and
20th centuries. I have written an “Italian Band Music Dictionary” in two
volumes, containing biographies and list of band works of Italian music authors.
In my dictionary I have got two entries of composers named Quagliata: Luigi and
Pasquale. Perhaps someone of the actual Quagliata families has more
biographical information about these two musicians. Thank you and best
wishes, Marino Anesa
From Katherine Ippoliti - A Quagliata descendant looking for genealogy help.
Date: November 19, 2006
Dear Quagliata Family, Hi, my name is Katherine Ippoliti. I am trying to find
out information on my paternal Grandmother. Her maiden name was Quagliata. Her
given name was Carmela. She was born in Pottsville, PA. Her father was Frank
(probably Francesco) from Sicily (Catania, I believe). Do you know any
from Pennsylvania area?
< Yes, we helped here out, she's a relative! >
Dear Mike, Wow. The internet is amazing! You’ve just written about my Granddparents/Great Grandparents. I know that
Francesco (the first one you mentioned) married an Anna Trimboli (maybe from
Calabria) and their daughter (my Grandmother) married Carlo Ippoliti (from
Abruzzi... Marciano S’antagelo and Ripattoni). Thank you so much for your input,
it is extremely helpful... I’m going to go back to your site right now.
Sincerely, Katherine Ippoliti
From Carlos F. Poli - Attorney for Santiago Quagliata and his sons Pedro
Sergio and Claudio Alejandro.
Date: November 7, 2006
Where are you Mike? Santiago is living in South America, Argentina. He has
2 cousins who live in the USA, Miguel and Santiago Quagliata. Santiago born at
Dock Sud, Avellaneda, Argentina, and is now living at Florencio Varela, Buenos
Aires, Argentina. He is son of Pietro Quagliata, who born at Castellammare del
Golfo, Sicilia (Pietro died some years ago). Best regards from
the south - Carlos Federico Poli
From Derek Galier - His forbearers changed their name from Quagliata to
Date: November 2, 2006
I came across your web site and couldn't stop reading! It's great! Like
Tony Galier, I too am a great-grandson of Pietro Quagliata from Castellammare
del Golfo. I have many family pictures of Pietro's family before they
immigrated to Ohio. I'd be happy to scan and pass along if you're still
accepting details.
Thx for all the efforts! Derek (Quagliata) Galier
From Grace Di Thomas-Di Virgilio commenting on our website.
Date: October 25, 2006
Hello, I just wanted to compliment you on your impressive website. I plan to
explore it more in depth when I have some down time. I'm very interested in
Italian-American history and would like to do a family history webpage of my
own. My ex-husband is an historian and scholar (among other things) and
conducted research both here in the US and in the Abruzzi about folks
emigrating from his family's village of origin on the Adriatic coast to several
places in the U.S. and in southwestern PA in particular. So, I've a bit of
familiarity with what is involved on the research end (plus, I'm a librarian). Enough about my interest and background. You deserve congratulations for the
creation of this site. Your images are stunning and the design is molto bene!
Take care, sincerely, Grace Di Thomas-Di Virgilio
From Nina (Quagliata) Puccio contributing family information.
Date: October 20, 2006
Hi Mike, My name is Nina (Quagliata) Puccio, related to Salvatore
Quagliata from Castellammare del Golfo. My grandfather was Salvatore who
immigrated to NY about 1910 with his brother Nicholas, sons of Guiseppe who was
married to Palma (Columbo). Incidentally, to go one generation back, Guiseppe’s
mother and father were named Salvatore and Nicolena Quagliata. My father
Salvatore (Sammy) born 10/20/1925 and died 7/14/1995 and would have been 81
today, was son to Salvatore and Antonina (Pecora). Guiseppe and Palma Quagliata
had not only 2 sons, Nicholas and my grandfather Salvatore, but 4 other children
named, Gertrude, Maria, Josephine and Nicolena. I am enclosing 3
photographs. I can give you more information of my father’s and my generation if
you would like to continue. Thank you. Nina Puccio
From Mariana of Uruguay contributing family information.
Date: September 22, 2006
My name is Mariana. My great-grandmother was Maria Carmela Quagliata. S he was
the daughter of Antonio and Lucia Quagliata. She was born in Balvano in 1873. She and a brother named Giuseppe Quagliata emigrated to Uruguay from Balvano,
Italy. I hope this information is helpful. Regards, Mariana
(The above is a rough translation of the original Spanish
email: Me llamo Mariana y mi bisabuela era Maria Carmela Quagliata Re era
hija de Antonio Quagliata y Lucìa Re habìa nacido en Balvano en el año 1873.
Tenìa un hermano Giusseppe Quagliata que habìa emigrado tambièn a Uruguay todos
habian emigrado de Balvano Italia. Espero que la informaciòn te sirva . Me
parece muy bueno tu trabajo. saludos Mariana)
From Natalie Quagliata - updates for Richard's Chart.
Date: September 10, 2006
Dear Mike, You may remember that I contacted you about a year ago and I just
found my name again in the Internet. I tried to further fill in names to the
family tree. Some names are still missing, but I believe that I can add them
later. Best regards from Cologne, Natalie Quagliata
From Chris LaVilla - granddaughter of Jane [Quagliata] Cacciola.
Date: August 15, 2006
Hi Mike, Greetings from Rochester NY. I came across the web site and am sorry I
was too late for the [Lyons/Rochester] reunion. I am Jane Quagliata Cacciola's
granddaughter Christine. My mom is Marie, her oldest daughter. I am
overwhelmed by your site and amazed at the research that has been put into it.
I loved the picture that you have of my mom and her siblings. We now have a
lost heirloom in that. I have truly enjoyed finding out my history! Thank you
for all your great work. Your cousin, Chris Graef LaVilla
From Catherine Masi - a nice comment about our Italian American History page.
Date: July 25, 2006
I just wanted to thank you for printing this history
http://home.comcast.net/~m.quagliata/iahistory.html. My grandparents all
came from Italy but I feel disconnected from my heritage because my family moved
from New Jersey to California many years ago, when I was only 9 years old.
Reading this makes me wish they had never left.
Thanks again, Catherine
From Justin Guagliata researching family information.
Date: July 23, 2006
Hello, My name is Justin Guagliata and i'm writing you after finding your site.
It's hard to ignore the similarities between our last names and I also wonder if
my last name was at some point Quagliata. In your news section you mentioned
being contacted by Henry Sprance who is a descendant of Ernesto Guagliata (my
great grandfather). I've just begun piecing my genealogy together and would love
the opportunity to speak with Henry Sprance and find out where he fits into the
puzzle. I was also contacted by Giles Guagliata approximately two years ago but
lost his contact information. If you are still in contact with either of these
individuals, please forward them my email address.
Sincerly, Justin Guagliata
From Rita Quagliata - Q family reunion in Australia!
Date: July 22, 2006
We'd like everyone to know that the Quagliata family in Ayr, Queensland,
Australia is having their "1st Quagliata Family Reunion" on Saturday 5th May
2007. Further information such as accommodation, venue, directions etc will be
made available at a later date. However for anyone who is interested in
attending, we currently require an estimate of numbers for venue and carting
arrangements. We will require names, how many attending from their family and
where they're from. Overseas families can arrange fights to Sydney International
Airport and then to Townsville Airport. We're looking forward to seeing everyone
here for our 1st Reunion and hopefully one of many.
Rita Quagliata
From Antonio Quagliata of Rome contributing genealogical information.
Date: May 17, 2006
[Rough translation]
I am Antonio Quagliata born 1965 in Tricarico [near Portenza]. I am now a
resident of Rome. My father is Giuseppe Quagliata born in Balvano in 1931
and now resides to Tricarico. He is the son of Antonio Quagliata of Balvano,
passed away in 1966. My grandfather had other siblings, Carmine, Carmela etc..
He was married to Matturra Costantina. My father has 3 brothers (Carmine,
Gerardo - passed away, and Rocco) and two sisters (Angela and Caterina). They
have all sons and grandsons. They are scattered all over Italy. PERHAPS THIS
one sister (Anna Antonella). Salutes.
([Original Italian text]
Sono Antonio Quagliata nato il 1965 a Tricarico (MT). Sono residente a Roma. Mio
padre è Giuseppe Quagliata nato a Balvano il 1931 e risiede a Tricarico. È
figlio di Antonio Quagliata di Balvano, deceduto nel 1966. Mio nonno aveva altri
fratelli, Carmine, Carmela etc.. Era sposato con Matturra Costantina. Mio padre
ha 3 fratelli (Carmine, Gerardo – deceduto – e Rocco) e due sorelle (Angela e
Caterina). Hanno tutti figli e nipoti. Sono sparsi un po in tutta l’Italia.
fratello (Domenico) e una sorella (Anna Antonella). Saluti.)
From Stefanie Pagano, her great grandmother was Concetta Quagliata.
Date: April 16, 2006
I'm sorry not to have sent anything I was just interested in your project. The
other day I typed in my father's name Stefan Pagano and added an "o" (Stefano)
which was my great grandfather's name and your site came up. What caught my eye
was Concetta Quagliata of which I had heard my dad speak of. I then saw that my
cousin Mike has been corresponding with you. I thought I saw some photo's at my
grandmother's - I'll have to ask her.
Thank you for taking the time to contact me I've always had an interest in my
family background.
Sincerely, Stefanie
From Sara [Quagliata] Hughes reporting on Cyclone Larry hitting Australia
Date: March 28, 2006
Dear Mike, The cyclone - Cyclone Larry was 290 km in wind speed and 150 km
across. It has shredded the town of Innisfail in the centre of the eye of the
cyclone. This is the town where the Paolo Quagliat (3) lineage live. We are some
65km away and we have suffered no structural house damage but environmental and
crop damage etc. We had no electrical power for a week and out on our property
we ran things like water and fridges on generator power. Our town has suffered
severe economic damage in its crops like tropical fruit, bananas, sugar cane and
nuts. There is already over 4,000 unemployed as a direct result of the crops
being flattened. There will be many more people unemployed because of course
services spin off from the population. The government has been good army, state
emergency services, etc brought in from all over Australia. The community
mateship is unbelievably wonderful. People have given of their time, skills and
where it is possible money. Australian company's have been generous. It has been
estimated by our Premier of State that the effected area has sustained 1.5
billion dollars of loss (immediate). Really glad to hear from you. Sara
From Caprice Ann Quagliata
Date: March 5, 2006
My name is Caprice Ann Quagliata and I found your name when I put my last name
in the AOL search engine. I was very shocked to see anyone else with this last
name. At this very moment my heart is beating soooo fast! I am 27 years old and
I would really like to know if we are in fact related. I don't know a lot about
my family. My moms name is Sue Quagliata and she was born January 20 1959 in
White Plains, New York. Her father's name is Joseph V Quagliata, last
residence in Long Beach, CA. He was in the service, maybe the Navy. I would
really appreciate it if someone could contact me via e-mail. I hope to here from
you soon!!
From Louis Quagliata working on the Sant'Alessio families.
Date: March 3, 2006
Hi, I'm Louis Quagliata, glad to correspond. I've been aware of your commendable
project but did not really get into the chart until recently. Some quick initial
info: My father was Luigi, as you know, born in Sant'Alessio 1899, and died in
Rome 1991. His father (my grandfather) was Giuseppe Quagliata ("Peppino"), born
in Sant'Alessio in the early 1870's, and married to Concetta Ricciardi, born in
1861 in Roccalumera, Sicily - a small town between S.Alessio and Messina along
the coast. She died in Sant'Alessio in 1917, during the first world war, while
her son Luigi was at the front, in France. Giuseppe emigrated to New York in
1908 and came back to Italy after 40 years in 1948. He died in Rome in 1954.
Giuseppe's younger brother went to New Brunswick - I suppose around
1908-1910 or later - and is the forefather of the New Brunswick branch of the
Quagliatas, I believe. I remember visiting with him and his family in New
Brunswick in 1948 (I was 11). My very best, Louis Quagliata
From John Quagliata working on the Sant'Alessio families.
Date: February 27, 2006
Mike, I thought if you can get Narcissus' father Luigi's parents names, I
believe I can find the rest of their family [in the Sant'Alessio records].
Narcissus is about my age so his grandparents should be about the same age as
mine. I don't know if you can contact him or his brother Louis, but if you can
we have a shot to tie them in somewhere. Let me know, JQ
From Mike Pagano working on the Sant'Alessio families.
Date: February 11, 2006
Please pass on my e-mail address [to John Q]. I am familiar with Sant' Alessio,
some of my Pagano relatives hail from there. Also there is a Roccalumera
connection. Just checked my notes. Frank Q. in CT was a cabinet maker. He also
made coffins. Johns parents definitely visited my great grandmothers brother on
their honeymoon. I can't see the tie in to his chart though. Her father Giuseppe
(based on the kids birthdates and his sisters birthday) would have been born
between 1855-67. Cant find any Joe on the chart that's a candidate. Mike
From John Quagliata working on the Sant'Alessio families.
Date: February 8, 2006
Mike, Checking the recent email's, I've come up with another connection of
a sort. In 1936 my parent's went to NY on their honeymoon to visit Joe Q. Then
they went to Hartford to visit Frank Q. My mother said Frank was in the
furniture business, you can check that out with Mike Pagano. This evening I went
to the Sant' Alessio library for a few hours and came up with Mike's great
grandmother Concetta, born dodici di Maggio 1891, the father is Giuseppe Q. and
the mother is Antonina Bucceri. I also found another sister named Maria Q. born
of the same parent's in the year 1896. That's it for now, JQ
From Donna Schiazza; her great grandmother was Anna Quagliata.
Date: February 4, 2006
Just recently found your website. Have you come across a Vincenzo DiCocco
married to an Anna Quagliata? I know very little, other than my nonna,
Teresa was born in Steubenville Ohio, 1907. My grandmother, Teresa was
born in Steubenville, Ohio, parents Vincenzo Di Cocco and Anna Quagliata,
according to the death certificate. Anyway, I do know Anna was born December
19, 1884 in Italy, deceased February 9, 1920 in Steubenville. Her death
certificate shows her father as Pasquale Gulatia/Quagliata...can't read it very
well. I went back six generations on the Schiazza side of the family, now
trying to trace back the DiCocco's. I will keep you updated on the Quagliata
search. Donna Schiazza
From Mike Pagano of Connecticut sent in some family genealogy listings.
Date: January 30, 2006
I saw your website. I am Mike Pagano. I have a Quagliata link through my
great-grandmother. My Quagliata relatives came from Forza D’Agro. I do not know
all the siblings, but there were two brothers that remained in Italy – Francesco
Quagliata and Giuseppe Quagliata - that I do not know anything about other than
their names. A sister, Carmilla Quagliata b. 1868 came over in 1913. She and her
husband Pasquale Riggio settled in CT (specifically the Ivoryton area). They had
four kids: Alessi b. 1895; Joseph b. 1897; Mary b. 1904 and Santi b. 1908.
Giuseppe is my connection to the line. I was told he had six children -
Stellario b. 1885, Concetta b. 1891 (my great grandmother), Giuseppe b. 1892,
Antonio b. 1902, and two more sisters. I tried to
piece this into the existing charts on your site but was unable to do so. I hope
this helps in the project. If you find a link let me know. I would love to work
my way back another generation or two. Mike Pagano
From Jeff Quagliata of the Lyons/Rochester Quagliata family.
Date: January 28, 2006
Mike, This is Jeff Quagliata. We met briefly at the Quagliata family
reunion in July. I am Buddy’s son and Linda Quagliata Kenney’s nephew (I feel
the need to give you my lineage since there now appear to be so many of us
LOL). Anyway, I am heading to Italy on Monday to work the Olympics in Turin for
NBC. It just now occurred to me that I might try to meet up with some of the
distant Quagliatas over there. I am flying into Milan January 31st. I see
from the website that we have some family there. Is there a way to contact
Vittorio directly? I realize that it is very short notice to try and do
something right away, but I will be over there for the month of February and
maybe something can be arranged.
Thanks for any help/advice in advance, Jeff
Notes: I sent Jeff contact information for Vittorio Quagliata, Louis
Quagliata and Umberto Quagliata. We're hoping Jeff will send us a synopsis
of his trip experiences when he returns.
From Antony Quagliata of Belgium.
Date: December 2, 2005
Hello, Another Quagliata getting in touch with you... My name is
Antony Quagliata and I lived in Belgium. Yes, indeed, they are only 4 Quagliata
in Belgium: my father: Domenico Quagliata - and my two sisters: Romina and
Mélina Quagliata. A bit of history: My Father was born in Balvano (Potenza in
Italy) and for LOVE immigrated to Belgium. If I can help you, do not hesitate to
e-mail me. Your website is really well done.
Regards, Antony Quagliata
From Rachel Jackson.
Date: November 20, 2005
Hi... My name is Rachel. I am just contacting you all to thank you kindly for
the information your site has provided me with. I am doing a report on the
Italian Americans... an 8 page paper... and it has helped me tremendously. Thank
you so much! Sincerely, Rachel
From John Quagliata of the Cleveland, OH family.
Date: November 7, 2005
Hi Mike, This is John Q. from the Cleveland family. Last week I was
looking through the recent emails and ran across an email from Roberto Q. of
Rome, that he sent on November 21, 2004. Roberto said he went to Asmara to visit
the grave of his grandfather (Aurelio). Well that brought back some memories
from when I was a youngster. Our family is from Sant'Alessio Siculo and so is
Roberto's. My grandfather (Carmelo Basilico Quagliata b.1888) said his brother
(Aurelio b.1890 ) went to Africa circa 1912, so I thought there might be a link
between our families. Mike, I'm wondering if I could possibly get Roberto's
email address from you, so I can communicate with him. I've been doing a lot of
research on my family tree and I will be sending the results to you soon.
Thanks for all your work. John Q.
From Henry Sprance, descendant of Ernest Guagliata.
Date: November 6, 2005
Mike, Just found your site while looking up my grandfather’s name. He was
Ernest Guagliata. He emigrated to the US from Palermo, Sicily about 1915. He
had a brother living in Chicago named Vincent, a physician and another brother
in Rockford, Ill. who was a pharmacist, Edward. Our branch of the family
settled in New York (Brooklyn). My grandfather entered the US through Ellis
Island, and his name is on the wall of immigrants. I don’t know much else about
the family history, but the spelling of the name with a G vs Q was close enough
for me to write. Henry Sprance
From Adam Quagliata of Phoenix, Arizona. Adam is looking for help finding
information about his family history.
Date: November 1, 2005
Hello, My name is Adam Quagliata. I am from Phoenix Arizona. My father was
originally from Long Island, New York. I never found out to much of my
family. I have done some research on the name, but came up with a list that my
grandfather was not mentioned on. His name was Savario. I believe he is from
northern Italy. But he is passed away now so I cant really talk to him about my
family. I was wondering if you would know anything? Where I could find out more
information? The family tree I did happen to find was rather extensive, but
still no mention of any one related to me (that I know of). And, I have noticed
most Quagliata's are Sicilian. My father and grandparents always spoke of being
from northern Italy. I am very confused on this whole matter. Please give me a
hand? Thank you, Adam
From Umberto Quagliata of Piacenza, Italy.
Date: October 26, 2005
Dear Michel, we're writing from Piacenza, in the northen part of Italy. My
name is Umberto Qugaliata. I was born in Napoli (1933). My father
was Giuseppe (Pietro's son), born in Napoli August 1882. He died in 1952.
He married my mother Giovanna De Vita. I have 3 brothers (Amedeo, Vittorio
and Claudio) and 3 sisters(Elena, Yolanda and Maria). My wife is Adriana,
and we have 3 children (Roberta, Livio and Paola) and me moved to Piacenza in
1974. I am a lawyer, Adriana is a teacher. Roberta is a lawyer too;
Livio is a journalist. They live in Milano. Paola is an opera
singer. It was a great surprise to find this web site. We'd like to
keep in touch.
Thank you, Umberto and Paola Quagliata
From Sara Hughes who just found our website.
Date: September 15, 2005
Hello Mike, My birth name was Rosaria Maria Quagliata. I am 43 years old
and am from the Australia, North Queensland Town of Tully - Quagliata's section.
I found your site by accident. I have just come back from a cultural exchange
of 7 days with the council of my fathers home town of Piedimonte Etneo, Sicily.
(that's what I was looking up on the internet) I am so excited to find you. I
think I'll write again when I settle down!! Regards Sara
From Gilles Guagliata who is researching his family genealogy.
Date: August 19, 2005
Hello, I've just visited your website : congratulation for the job! It's
curious because the name of my family is Guagliata. One year ago I began
researching my family's genealogy and sometimes I found bugs between G and Q on
old records. I found only 150 Guagliata in the world (Italy, France and
US). The origin of the name is in Palermo near the year 1860 and I'm searching
for family history before that date. Is it possible that a mistake in
records made Quagliata and Guagliata? Best regards, Gilles
From Tony Galier
From Vittorio Quagliata of Milan, Italy. This is the Vittorio quoted in
the "Welcome" section of the main webpage.
Date: June 14, 2005
Hello, I found an error in your rough translation of the marriage
certificate of Concetto Trovato and Antonina Quagliata: the year isn't 1900 but
1931 ("1900trentuno" = 1900thirtyone). Here is the complete translation ... (Ed.
Vittorio supplied an accurate translation). I'm working on a family
chart with all the Quagliatas in Italy related to me. Let me know if you
are interested in it. I assure you that I’ll send my family chart as soon
as I’ll get to the bottom of it! I’ve met Louis Quagliata, of Milan, but
I’m not related to him. I am from Sicily - so was my father Francesco, my
grandfather Vittorio and my great-grandfather Giuseppe, who fought with
Garibaldi and won three medals. I hope to be of any help with the
construction of your wonderful site. My best regards, Vittorio Quagliata
From Antoinette Quagliata of New York.
Date: May 4, 2005
Hi, I just came across your site and have information to add in regards to the
Carlo Quagliata listed as from Sicily. That is my grandfather. They came from
Castellammare del Golfo some time in the 50’s. He was married to Antonia Vernaci
and had four children: Vita, Joseph, Anthony, and Lenny. When my grandfather
came here, they first moved to New York City, but eventually ended up in Long
island (Valley Stream) New York. His son Joseph now lives in Scottsdale, AZ and
his son Anthony lives in Lancaster, PA. The other two children remain in Long
Island. Thanks, Antoinette Quagliata
From Luciano Quagliata of Argentina.
Date: April 12, 2005
Nice to know that there are Quagliatas all over the world. I will tell you a
little bit about my ancestors here in Argentina. My grandfather, Pascual
Quagliata, came to Argentina when he was eight years old in 1906. He was born in
Balvano, Potenza. He died in 1966. Unluckily, I never met him because I was born
after he died. His parents, my greatgrandparents, were Antonio Quagliata and
Lucia Bovino, who came to Argentina some years later. They were from Balvano as
well. My grandfather had 6 siblings: Rosa, Carmela, Filomena, Carmelo, Victor,
Jose. My grandfather had two children: Pascual Umberto, my father and Alcira
Elba, my aunt. I have two brothers: Eduardo Humberto Quagliata and Fabricio
Humberto Quagliata. I hope we will keep in touch. If you require any further
info, please write back. Yours, Luciano H. Quagliata
From Sam Quagliata of Sydney, Australia. Sam helped us
fill out his family branch on Richard's Chart and sent in a couple of great
Date: March 8, 2005
Hi Mike, The webpage is getting better by the day and provides all us Q’s around
the world a focal point on our heritage. I have had some discussions with my
parents to see if I can add some substance to the family tree and have done some
work which may fill in some of the blanks upwards and certainly add a lot in the
way of younger generations. I have also attached a photo depicting my grand
parents and some of their children. Keep up the great work… I’m sure you didn’t
expect it to get this interesting! Regards, Sam Quagliata
From Melchor Quagliata of New York, NY
Date: February 8, 2005
Hi, I was randomly browsing on the web and I found this website. As I am
a Quagliata
I am curious how many family fits into the tree. My father was born in Argentina
the 40's. My grandfather and I share the same name - Melchor Quagliata. I did
see that name on the list. My grandfather's parents came from Castellamare del
Sicily. My grandfather also married a woman named Antonina. There seems to be a
genetic disposition on the part of Quagliatas to marry women named Antonina. It
also my sister's middle name.
At the turn of the century [1900], the Quagliatas owned or worked on a large
farm in Italy. My grandfather moved from Italy to Argentina and there I have a
family. My dad has a cousin in Argentina and I believe he has met some
in Sicily who still live on that farm that has been passed down for generations.
- Melchor Quagliata
From Manuela Quagliata of Italy
Date: January 12, 2005
Dear Michael, My brother Leonardo and myself came to know about
your website
through another relative, Pietro, who also lives in central Italy. I think my brother
also wrote
to you about a couple of years ago since it seemed very likely that there are
connections in our families. If you like, I can send you more information and
pictures about our grandparents' family.
Next week, (21st - 23rd) I'll be in New York and from 24th to 26th in Boston, in
you live there, we might perhaps find a moment to meet.
All the best for the New Year, Manuela Quagliata
From Joseph Quagliata of Brooklyn, NY. Joseph's
information is being very
helpful in tying some of our lineages together.
Date: January 10, 2005
Hi Mike, My name is Joseph Quagliata and I am a physician in Brooklyn,
NY. My father is Salvatore Quagliata (born in Brooklyn). My great-grandfather,
Salvatore Quagliata, immigrated to Brooklyn, NY ~1910 from Castellamare
Golfo, a small fishing village near Trapani on the west coast of Sicily. He
Antonina in New York and they had 8 children: Joseph (my grandfather), Salvatore
("Sammy"), Anthony, Nicholas, Peter, Lena, Annie, and Palma. Only Lena and
Annie are still alive. All of them have families who have stayed in the New York
area (Valley Stream, Long Island, Brooklyn). I am not as clear on all of the
(birth, death) as you are but my grandmother, Josephine Quagliata (born
Uddo) would probably have a lot more information. I appreciate and respect all
the work you have done for your website and am very interested to see where and
our family line meets yours. I would appreciate any follow-up you might have and
would be happy to provide any assistance if I can.
Thank you again, Joseph Quagliata
From Mary Trovato of Sydney, NSW, Australia who has
provided additional help
documenting the large Quagliata family centered in Ayr.
Date: January 4, 2005
Hi Mike, I am sending you a photo of the Quagliata's and Trovato's taken
the end of 1949 in Ayr, Nth Q'land, also their names. I have also found my
mother-in-laws marriage certificate, and have sent you a copy. The photo I
promised of Guido, with his daughter Antonina and his wife (don't know her
name). I have spoken to Rita last night, she is till
waiting on some more
information to pass on to you.
I must say Mike you are doing a wonderful job, it seems to take up all you time.
I will be trying to contact some other Quagliata's in Sydney, as my husband
golf with a Sam and his brother Charlie Quagliata, see if can find out something
you. Thank you so much in letting me help, I am quite enjoying it.
Ciao for now, Mary
From Rita Quagliata of Ayr QLD, Australia who has
been instrumental in
helping us document the large Quagliata family centered in Ayr.
Date: December 8, 2004
I have been trying to create an awareness of your website with all the
Quagliata's around here and Townsville. They are all amazed. Next
month, we are hoping on calling round the Quagliata's in Tully. Hopefully
get some info from them. I am also trying to get some of the relations in
Sydney to get info from the Quagliatas there.
You have done such a wonderful job Mike. Everyone here truly appreciates
your hard work. You are the one to be "Thanked" so "Thank You".
Anyhow, must go, wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and happy
festive season as well. Caio, Rita
From Roberto Quagliata of Rome, Italy
Date: November 21, 2004
Hi everyone, This is Roberto. I'm from Rome and have been studying
Fine Art in London since 3 years ago. My grandfather's name was Aurelio,
and he was from Sant'Alessio. I cannot believe this is for real. I was doing
family research on my own after visiting for the first time my grandfather's
grave in Asmara (Eritrea -Africa, across the Red Sea from Yemen). It was
really emotional. Thanx for the good work you have done. Please do not
hesitate to contact me for further information or pictures.